Christian Life Program Talk 9 – RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT
The Holy Spirit in Scripture What God said in Ezekiel’s time Promise of the Holy Spirit (Ez 36:26) Power from the Holy Spirit (Ez 36:27) Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to his disciples; men gain: A new nature (inward dimension) Power to serve (outward dimension) God wants all men to have new life February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Today’s Session To claim God’s promise of the Holy Spirit: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. . . . If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Some Important Points Not 2nd baptism but a release of the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus is the baptizer Different things will happen Don’t seek a particular kind of experience Just turn to the Lord and receive the new life of the Holy Spirit February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Receiving God’s Gifts You know what you need; ask for it More courage to life Christian life, etc. Be open to God’s gifts February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Receiving God’s Gifts Some important right attitudes Relax Don’t be afraid Don’t be concerned about how you might act as you respond to the Spirit’s promptings February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
Receiving the Gift of Tongues Tongues is a gift of praise Yielding to the gift: Ask for it Yield to the leading of the Spirit Begin by praising God in your own words Do not analyze the sounds or focus on the experience Resist temptation to think it is just you. February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Other Reminders After you are finished being prayed with: Return to your seat and wait Continue to pray Maintain an atmosphere of prayer and reverence February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Final Words God wants you to have His gifts; desire it! God offers and gives His gifts; our part is to accept! February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit Closing Exhortation Different people have different experiences: Feeling is not the important thing Don’t worry if you did not speak in tongues In your prayer this week, give plenty of time to praise and thanksgiving February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
Closing Exhortation (cont’d.) Be aware that Satan can tempt you to doubt Satan seeks to rob you of God’s gift. Do not let feelings of doubt bother you Do not expect all your problems to go away all at once. Be faithful to a regular prayer time. This is just the beginning. February, 2012 CLP Talk 9 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
Christian Life Program Talk 9 – RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT