TERENA Member Development Programme Stanisław Starzak GA, Limerick June, the 6 – 7-th, 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

TERENA Member Development Programme Stanisław Starzak GA, Limerick June, the 6 – 7-th, 2002

TERENA Development Programme GA Zurich 2001 activities: –inventory of needs and expectations –knowledge dissemination and experience sharing (workshops and consultation meetings), –long term strategy development, –joint projects, remember: –not to repeat what others are doing (TF, CEEnet, APM meetings), –think to the future.

TERENA Development Programme Inventory support and lobbing to local authorities challenging monopoly: looking for alternatives co-operation with operators: negotiations, SLA secure investment: planning and logistic long- & short-term development planning fluent migration FR/ATM  GbE deployment of countrywide services peering on the national level: communities permanent staff training: may be a e-learning application oriented traffic engineering

TERENA Development Programme Main idea a series of workshops/seminaries with vendors (Acatel, Cisco, Juniper, Marconi, Nortel,...) presentations to answer the following questions: –how to make a better use of existing equipment (application oriented traffic engineering) –what requirements for operators, in terms of SLA, are suggested or should be required –what is the idea for fluent migration FR/ATM  GbE –a roadmap to optical internet next: meetings with operators

TERENA Development Programme How to setup meetings for some NRENs a cost of a participation in a meeting is the fundamental issue my approach: –take advantage of other meetings to minimize costs, –extend the meeting till the end of the day or stay one night more, –ask organizers to cover the cost of a meeting place –try to find sponsors for more planning: –Cisco: January/February (Cisco NGI meeting), –Juniper: April (PIONIER conference meeting), –Alcatel: May/June,

TERENA Development Programme Life CNGI unexpected competition: Budapest v. Poznan, PIONIER Conference NRENs’ day with Cisco, a chance to make use of SERENATE take off: May shifted to September with Juniper (already tested).

TERENA Development Programme PIONIER Conference Cisco cosponsored and supported Jane Butler’s personal involvement: Thank You Jane assumptions: –to cover costs of participation of 2 reps from each NREN except travel, –to start answering questions, –to start discussion on need and priorities, 2 days meeting –national day: to share experience and stimulate discussion, –international day: to improve knowledge and ask questions

TERENA Development Programme PIONIER Conference national day: –Session 1: e-Poland, –Session 2: e-Education, –Session 3: e-Government, –Session 4: e-Science, –Session 5: e-Content NRENs’ day: –Session 1: Advanced routing technologies - Axel Clauberg –Session 2: Application oriented traffic engineering - Igor Sikorski –Session 3: ATM to GbE migration on a national scale - Peter Tomsu –Session 4: Review on progress in optical networks - Peter Tomsu

TERENA Development Programme PIONIER Conference about 210 participants + 20 VIPs, David Williams participation and address, positive response from NRENs, but less then a little participation (competition: PIONIER, APM, Rumania), great job done by Cisco, hard take off because of the late gala evening, NRENs’ day: 140 participants, a meeting POL-34/PSNC – TERENA President.

TERENA Development Programme Main goals to draw conclusions and do better, setting up dates: –September (Juniper after SERENATE take off), –October ( after GA, approaching Alcatel), –no date for Marconi and Nortel yet (November – January), may be SERENATE geographical WP meetings, –there is a need for Cisco to repeat, coordinate with others (CEEnet), not forget to give an adequate input to SERENATE project if possible, but not doing things in parallel.

TERENA Development Programme Joint project: e-Region cooperation: a fiberoptics testbed „ Technology and Information Services Exchange for Cross Border Regions ”, at the moment: Czech, Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland, more participants to be invited as soon as fibers are available, avoid repeating the SEERENE project, cooperation with local telecoms and cableTV operators, documents in preparation, next meeting scheduled for June, week 17-21, TERENA umbrella expected (remember: e-Region).

TERENA Development Programme More ideas to be discussed in between network observation tools: –not network management issues, –collect knowledge how we take care of national networks (accidents, responses, procedures, logistic), –joint afford to improve national network understanding, –an input from POL-34 to take off will be delivered, e-learning support for NREN technical staff: –vendors invited to deliver a content, –NRENs to participate in developing content of their own, –TERENA project deliverables deployment manuals.

TERENA Development Programme Conclusions: a very hard take off, there is a delay to what has been planned, hope things are developing.