Community Dashboards Survey Results for the 17 Most At- Risk Communities.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Dashboards Survey Results for the 17 Most At- Risk Communities

2 Statewide Dashboard Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral Health Transportation Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Community/family violence Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income individuals/families Undocumented immigrants Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of detox & treatment resources Lack of funding & staff capacity Youth/teen education Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Awareness & access to services Child care resources Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Families Visiting Nurse Association Major barriers to making referrals: Lack of transportation Lack of capacity to serve new clients Clients ineligible *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

3 Boston Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral Health Legal Services ESOL Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Community/family violence Underserved populations: Undocumented immigrants Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of Detox & treatment resources Cultural & linguistic barriers Youth/teen education Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Cultural & linguistic barriers Quality & cohesion of services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Baby Healthy Child Early Head Start Major barriers to making referrals: Clients ineligible Cultural & linguistic barriers Client access to services *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

4 Brockton Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Child care services Basic & Emergency needs Job training Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Community/family violence Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Undocumented immigrants Low income families Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Therapy & transitioning resources Family education Youth/teen education Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Housing resources Awareness & access Quality of services Cultural & linguistic barriers Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Major barriers to making referrals: Capacity to serve new clients Client ineligibility Financial & insurance-related *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

5 Chelsea Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Job training Basic & Emergency needs Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Vulnerable populations Community/family violence Underserved populations: Undocumented immigrants Recent immigrants Unemployed Low income families Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding & capacity Awareness & access to services Lack of services Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Early childhood services Lack of services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Healthy Families Early Intervention Visiting Moms Major barriers to making referrals: Lack of capacity to serve new clients Client ineligibility Cultural & linguistic barriers Child care services Fear of government *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

6 Everett Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral health Youth/Teen services Outcome domains of primary concern: Parenting stressors Economic self-sufficiency Child education & performance Underserved populations: Undocumented immigrants Homeless families Low income families Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Youth/teen education Lack of services Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Child care services Home visiting services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Healthy Families Early Intervention Visiting Nurse Association Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral health Youth/Teen services *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

7 Fall River Most difficult service areas to refer: Mental/Behavioral health Transportation Housing Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Community/family violence Substance abuse Child health Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Unemployed Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Lack of funding/capacity Awareness & access to services Therapy & transitioning resources Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Lack of funding/capacity Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Families Early Head Start Major barriers to making referrals: Cultural & linguistic barriers Client ineligibility Client access to services Child care services Financial & insurance-related *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

8 Fitchburg Most difficult service areas to refer: Mental/Behavioral health Transportation Housing Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Community/family violence Substance abuse Vulnerable populations Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Unemployed Individuals with substance abuse issues Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Youth/teen education Lack of funding/capacity Lack of services Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Lack of funding/capacity Child care services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Client access to services Capacity to serve new clients *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

9 Holyoke Most difficult service areas to refer: Transportation Housing Mental & behavioral services Substance abuse Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Child education Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Pregnant or parenting teens Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Lack of funding/capacity Awareness & access to services Services for women Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Teen parenting & pregnancy Child care services Maternal services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Families MSPCC Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Capacity to serve new clients Client access to services *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

10 Lawrence Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental & behavioral services Transportation Adult Education Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Community/family violence Child education & performance Underserved populations: Undocumented immigrants Homeless families Low income families Individuals with substance abuse issues Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Lack of funding/capacity Awareness & access to services Youth & teen education Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Quality of services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention MSPCC Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Child care Client ineligibility *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

11 Lowell Most difficult service areas to refer: Mental & behavioral services Transportation Housing Child care services Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Vulnerable populations Underserved populations: Individuals with mental health conditions Homeless families Low income families Undocumented immigrants Recent immigrants Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Awareness & access to services Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Teen parenting & pregnancy Quality of services Awareness & access to services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Visiting Nurse Association Healthy Families Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Cultural & linguistic barriers Capacity to serve new clients *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

12 Lynn Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Transportation Basic & Emergency needs Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Vulnerable populations Underserved populations: Individuals with mental health conditions Undocumented immigrants Homeless families Recent immigrants Underserved by age group: Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding/capacity Detox & treatment resources Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Lack of funding/capacity Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Healthy Families Young Parent Support Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Capacity to serve new clients Financial & insurance-related *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

13 New Bedford Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Transportation Basic & Emergency needs Job training Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Vulnerable populations Child education & performance Underserved populations: Homeless families Undocumented immigrants Unemployed Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Major barriers to making referrals: Client ineligibility Client access to services Transportation Gaps in substance abuse services: Quality & cohesion of services Lack of services Therapy & transitioning resources Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Families Young Parents Support [Child & Family Services] *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

14 North Adams Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral health Transportation Basic & Emergency needs Outcome domains of primary concern: Parenting stressors Child health Economic self-sufficiency Underserved populations: Homeless families Pregnant or parenting teens Unemployed Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Teen parenting & pregnancy Lack of funding/capacity Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Lack of qualified professionals Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding/capacity Detox & treatment resources Youth/teen education Therapy & transitioning resources Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Parent-Child Home Early Intervention Visiting Nurse Association Child Care of the Berkshires *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

15 Pittsfield Most difficult service areas to refer: Transportation Mental/Behavioral health Youth/Teen services Outcome domains of primary concern: Parenting stressors Child health Economic self-sufficiency Child education & performance Underserved populations: Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Pregnant or parenting teens Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Maternal services Teen parenting & pregnancy Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Child care services Client access to services Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding/capacity Detox & treatment resources Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Visiting Nurse Association Healthy Families Pediatric Development Center *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

16 Revere Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral health Child care services Basic & Emergency needs Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Vulnerable populations Underserved populations: Low income families Undocumented immigrants Recent immigrants Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Major barriers to making referrals: Client ineligibility Child care services Gaps in substance abuse services: Detox & treatment resources Youth & teen education Services for women Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention ROCA Housing Families *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

17 Southbridge Most difficult service areas to refer: Transportation Housing Mental/Behavioral health Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Vulnerable populations Underserved populations: Homeless families Low income families Individuals with mental health conditions Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Awareness & access to services Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Client access to services Cultural & linguistic barriers Gaps in substance abuse services: Family education Youth & teen education Lack of funding/capacity Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Healthy Families *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

18 Springfield Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Mental/Behavioral health Transportation Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Community/family violence Parenting stressors Underserved populations: Homeless families Low income families Individuals with mental health conditions Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Quality of services Child care resources Major barriers to making referrals: Transportation Capacity to serve new clients Client ineligibility Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding/capacity Detox & treatment resources Awareness & access to services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Early Intervention Healthy Families *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category

19 Worcester Most difficult service areas to refer: Housing Basic & Emergency needs Transportation Outcome domains of primary concern: Economic self-sufficiency Parenting stressors Child education & performance Underserved populations: Homeless families Individuals with mental health conditions Low income families Unemployed Undocumented immigrants Underserved by age group: Level of maternal, infant & early childhood services interaction with other programs: Gaps in maternal, infant & early childhood services: Lack of funding/capacity Housing Major barriers to making referrals: Capacity to serve new clients Transportation Client access to services Gaps in substance abuse services: Lack of funding/capacity Youth & teen education Lack of services Exemplary home visiting Programs (unbiased*): Healthy Families MSPCC Pernet Family Services *biased responses (for which respondents chose their own program as exemplary) were not considered; bold items indicate top responses in each category