SMART Goal Setting Care Share Health Alliance's mission is to work with state and local partners to facilitate and foster Collaborative Networks and Models.


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Presentation transcript:

SMART Goal Setting Care Share Health Alliance's mission is to work with state and local partners to facilitate and foster Collaborative Networks and Models that improve the health of underserved people in North Carolina Linda M. Kinney, Deputy Executive Director Megan Bolejack, Program Coordinator

Care Share Health Alliance Our mission is to work with state and local partners to facilitate and foster Collaborative Networks and models that improve health of underserved people in NC Collaborative Network is an entity comprised of multiple local partners who integrate medical, preventative, community, social, and economic resources to achieve collective outcomes through a coordinated system of care. Collaborative Networks have shared vision, purpose, priorities, strategies, and objectives aligned to improve the health of the underserved. Collaborative Models are approaches local communities use to improve access to care and health for underserved people.

Care Share Health Alliance – Core Services Facilitate The development of new Collaborative Networks or models within and across communities Community - Wide Plans - purpose, vision, goals, objectives, outcomes, and funding On-site facilitation for program development and implementation, referral network development, evaluation, and collaboration building

Care Share Health Alliance – Core Services Strengthen Collaborative Networks, the safety net and communities through peer-to-peer learning opportunities to 1) share best and promising practices, 2) develop or improve skills, and 3) increase knowledge. Collaborate with networks and communities to identify relevant patient and community health standard measures. Support communication, and enhance collaboration to Healthy Carolinians Partnerships. Collect, disseminate, and facilitate the implementation of best and promising practices with networks and communities. Partner with state, regional and national organizations and funders on new initiatives

Care Share Health Alliance - Services Consulting Services Community Health Needs Assessments Community Health Assessment – Action Planning Collective Impact Projects – Community Impact Plans Community Collaborative Models and Programs

Care Share Health Alliance Board of Directors – 28 community and state level members Funded by: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation The Duke Endowment Healthy Carolinians Foundation - support to Healthy Carolinians Fee for service contracts (strategic planning, community health needs assessment, facilitation) Past funders include: Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, NC Health and Wellness Trust Fund, NC Office of Rural Health & Community Care

Technical Assistance Team Linda Kinney (919) Shelisa Howard-Martinez (919) Megan Bolejack (919)

SMART Goal Setting

Why do it? Provides a path to reaching an overall goal Motivates Helps you count/measure your progress Keeps you aligned with your purpose, mission, priorities Helps you use your resources effectively Helps people work together - you’re all on the same page

Drilling Down To SMART Goals Purpose/mission – to improve the health of underserved populations Priority Areas Increase access to care Reduce obesity rate Strategy More uninsured receive medical care Increase physical activity SMART Goals (objectives) 100 more uninsured people will visit their medical home for a wellness visit by % of children will walk 20 more minutes during the school day by 2018 Broad Specific

SMART Goal Setting S – specific M – measurable A – active R – realistic T – time-bound

S pecific

The more specific you are, the more likely you are to reach your goal I want to be famous I want to be a famous writer I want to be a famous novelist Increased physical activity increased walking children walk more Healthier eating eat more fruits and vegetables …. Organizations adopt the healthy food policy S pecific

Measureable I want to write 10 novels 50% of children walk 20 more minutes 5 organizations adopt the healthy food policy # % 2 Use a number, percentage or a discrete unit. Something you can count and something you can measure

Active Make it action oriented. Use an action verb, something you can do I will write 10 novels 50% of children will walk 20 more minutes HCP will facilitate the adoption of the health food policy in 5 organizations

Active Verbs Advocate Change Collaborate Conduct Coordinate Deliver Enact Coordinate Deliver Enact Establish Formalize Implement Improve Increase Launch Mobilize Provide Publish Recruit Reorganize Respond Secure Spearhead Streamline Transfer Upgrade

Realistic Consider the environment, trends, requirements, resources and other factors surrounding your goals. Avoid using words like, every, each, never, 100%, eliminate – the absolutes tend not to be realistic I will write 10,000 novels …. I will write 10 novels 100% of children walk 20 more minutes …. 50% of children will walk ….. HCP will facilitate the adoption of the health food policy in all organizations in the County ….HCP will facilitate the adoption of the health food policy in 5 organizations

Realistic Trends Reduce teenage pregnancy by 50 per year, when it’s been increasing by 10 each year for the past 5 years…. Impact How much will your action impact the goal - obesity and healthy food policy – number who adopt and when will you see a change in the overall goal Build on what you are already doing, for example – you already doing health fairs, what can you do in addition to this that moves the needle? Use the health fair as a way to open up the door to adopting the healthy food policy Resources available Staff – if this new goal will take 3 more staff people to achieve, do you have the resources to do it? Partners – how can you tap into your partners resources

Use Evidence Based Practices Resources The Center for Healthy NC Division of Public Health The Center for Training and Research Translation (Center TRT): The Center TRT efforts focus on providing practitioners with the best available evidence and approaches related to the prevention and control of obesity. This site includes both strategies and interventions. What Works for Health Toolkit: RTIPS: Research Tested Intervention Programs Here you can search for interventions based on the criteria that fits your community.

Time Bound Set a due date I will write 10 novels in the next 5 years (2020) By 2025, 50% of children walk 20 more minutes during the school day HCP will facilitate the adoption of the health food policy in 5 organizations by 2016 Space out your timeline, don’t put it all off or bunch it up

Lets work through some examples Slides will be posted on the Care Share website: Worksite wellness toolkit for small business Business to implement a worksite wellness program HCP worksite wellness program 10 business implement the HCP worksite wellness plan The hcp will work with 10 businesses to implement the wellness plan By 2017, the hcp will work with 10 businesses to implement the wellness plan
