Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 SNE I Tuesday 10/27/09, 3pm EDT P-r??? Information Session Safety-net Enhancement Initiative Pre-proposal Information Session Tuesday, October 27, 3:00 pm EDT
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 The Kresge Foundation A $2.8 billion private national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of life for future generations Six fields of interest: –Health –Environment –Community Development –Arts and Culture –Education –Human Services
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Our Values Criteria Creating opportunity Community impact Institutional transformation Risk Environmental conservation Innovation Collaboration Underserved geography Diversity
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Health Program – Primary Areas of Concern Underserved geography Diversity Community impact Collaboration Innovation Environmental conservation
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Health Program – Grant Opportunities Healthy Environments Caring Communities –Safety-net Enhancement Initiative Emerging and Promising Practices
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Safety-net Enhancement Initiative
October 27, 2009 Safety-net Enhancement Initiative Moves beyond medical model Addresses social and environmental determinants of health Engages collaboratively with other sectors and support systems
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Safety-net Enhancement Initiative Overarching goal: –To demonstrate collaborative models to address health disparities
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Collaboration Model Community Health Centers Community Health LeadershipEngagement Policy Impact Health Disparities Public Hospitals Public Health Departments Social Support Social Support Social Support
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Three Phases of the Initiative Planning Phase Demonstration Phase Dissemination Phase
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Competitive process Capacity of lead agency Engagement strategies Clear understanding of context
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Focus on reducing health disparity Opportunities to leverage previous work and resources Community defined health priorities Clear, organized and reasonable process
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Applications due: November 16th, 9:00pm EST Firm Deadline Online applications only Full proposal–not Letter of Inquiry
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Online application guidelines on Web site: Health Program Caring Communities Safety-net Enhancement Initiative
October 27, 2009
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Application consists of: –Cover sheet –Cover letter –Proposal narrative (15 pages max) –Budget confirmation sent
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Planning Phase Review process finalists selected Award notification after December Trustee meeting Funding available after the first of the year Site visits and information sessions
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27, 2009 Demonstration Phase Demonstration phase applications due September 2010 Expect to support 7-10 final projects depending on resources Questions:
Safety-net Enhancement InitiativeOctober 27,