“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Africa CHAs Platform A networking forum for Christian Health Associations & Networks from Sub-Saharan Africa Was established through a Declaration of the 3 rd Biennial CHAs Conference held at Bagamoyo, Tanzania in January 2007 Platform Secretariat is hosted by CHAK in Nairobi Governance structure & mandate was affirmed by the 4 th CHAs Conference held in Kampala, Uganda in Feb
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” ACHAP member network in 26 countries Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” ACHAP Governance structure Christian Health Association of Kenya Africa CHAs Advisory Team Africa CHAs Biennial Conference Africa CHAs Planning & Editorial Committee Africa CHAs Platform Secretariat Member CHA Partner Organizations
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Shared motivation of CHAs involvement in health service delivery CHAs are inspired by their Christian foundation, faith and commitment to get involved in compassionate services They are inspired by desire for mission outreach to the underserved areas and vulnerable groups following the example of Christ Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Indicative CHAs health service coverage In most Sub-Saharan African Countries, Faith Based Organizations and in particular Christian Health Networks provide a large proportion of the national health services accounting for 20-40% of the national health service delivery and this increases even further in the remote hard to reach areas In Kenya 30% of ACT/AL procured through Global Fund support is distributed through MEDS (FBO Drug Supply Agency) to FBO Health facilities and 60% of Cataract surgeries in Kenya are by FBOs CHAZ is distributing Bed Nets to all health facilities 22Districts of Zambia Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” ACHA Platform core functions Networking –Biennial Conference –ACHA Bulletin –Exchange of reports and publications –Exchange visits Advocacy –With Governments –With Development Partners –On International Fora and platforms Capacity building through peer learning Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Promoting partnerships –North to South –South to South Facilitates communication among CHAs among CHAs including from Anglophone to Francophone Facilitates regular dialogue on HRH through HRH-TWG Collaborate with partners to support research/studies including mapping of CHAs health service delivery Christian Health Association of Kenya ACHA Platform core functions
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Exchange visit, UPMB ED & CBHC Manager at CHAK Kijabe Hospital Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Kenya CHAs/MOH team visit to Zambia in search of PPP lessons Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” CSSC leads Interfaith Tanzania team on a visit to Kenya Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” CHAs members at 62 nd WHA plenary session on PHC renewal Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” CHAs 4 th Biennial Conference, Feb 2009, Kampala Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” ACHAP facilitated FBOs meeting with the Global Fund in April 2008 – Christoph Benn, GF Director of external relations Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” CHAs voice at World Bank - FBO forum in Ghana – Sep 2009 Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Role of CHAs in health Broad range of health services from Community Based Health Care to specialized treatment and rehabilitative services for Malaria, it’s complications and other diseases Integrated Primary Health Care (PHC) services HIV prevention, care and treatment programs Health education for health promotion and disease prevention including training of Community Health Workers Drug Supply Agencies – eg MEDS, JMS, CHANPharm, CHAZ, MEMS & CHAM – for procurement, warehousing and distribution of Essential Drugs and other health commodities Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Extensive reach of CHA services to the remote underserved areas Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Role of CHAs in health Mobilization of local, national and international resources for health Advocacy for equity and access Participate in health policy development, health sector planning and performance monitoring Contribute to the body of knowledge through M&E and research Training of Health Workers in Medical & Nursing Colleges Training of Community Health Workers – critical workforce in community based health initiatives Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Christian Health Association of Kenya Dependable supply system for quality Essential Drugs & health commodities Mission For Essential Drugs & Supplies
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Challenges Financial sustainability Human resource challenges - attracting, developing, motivating and retaining HRH Limited involvement and recognition by Government and International Development Agencies in some countries Global economic crisis Limited documentation of their work and potential Demands by regulatory authorities which have no consideration for the inequities in resource distribution Limited technical capacity to compete for international funding opportunities Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Opportunities More inclusive health sector reforms such as sectorwide approach strategy (SWAps) Renewal of PHC by WHO’s 62 nd World Health Assembly of May 2009 Formalized partnership with Government through MoU with CHAs in several countries Involvement in Strategic & Annual Health sector Plans including Malaria Strategic Plans Increasing appreciation of FBOs by International Agencies; WHO, Global Fund, UNAIDS, RBM, UNICEF, GAVI & World Bank etc Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” Opportunities International Health Partnerships initiatives and Global advocacy for scaling up funding for diseases responsible for the greatest disease burden Partnership with Faith Based Funding Agencies from the North CHAs that are at different levels of organization development and technical/technological expertise present opportunity for peer learning Christian Health Association of Kenya
“Promoting Access to quality healthcare” ACHA Platform has provided an important forum for dialogue, experiences exchange, networking and advocacy Thank you Support is needed to take this to the next level Christian Health Association of Kenya