Process and Recommendations
I. Introduction II. Process III. Key Achievement IV. Recommendations
The SADC Summit in August 2004formally adopted a number of “population and development” functions; endorsed a Resolution on that was adopted by the Southern African Ministers’ Conference on Population and Development held in Maputo in These decisions created a framework within which SADC could monitor and evaluate the implementation of the ICPD PoA in the sub-region on an on-going basis. Later, in 2007 and 2008 SADC Member States decided to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of progress with the implementation of ICPD PoA in 2009 as part of the global and continental reviews. Consequently, SADC produced regional report on under the chairpersonship of South Africa. In 2013 under the chairmanship on Mozambique, SADC convened technical Meeting and ministerial conference to produce the regional report of ICPD beyond 2014 in SADC region
Technical meeting held in Maputo in March 2013 to prepare the TOR, format and content of the regional report Identify priority areas Collection of copies of questionnaire of global surveys and national reports Engage service of experts for in-depth analysis Technical and ministerial meeting convened by the Ministry of Planning and Development.
Ministers responsible for population and development planning in SADC fully re-affirm their commitment to the implementation of the ICPD PoA beyond Commit themselves the and region to specific of recommendations to accelerate implementation of ICPD PoA, promote inclusiveness and participation and through a right-based approach
Strengthen the school curriculum to include life skills education and comprehensive sexuality education, taking into account country specific contexts, and develop appropriate systems to integrate teenage and young mothers back into the education system. Expand the provision of quality formal (higher education and vocational training) and non-formal education services that address the need for skilled manpower in the labour market and the need for entrepreneurial development with promotion of the additional role of private providers Develop/update and implement policies and programmes that promote the rights of adolescents and young people and accelerate investments in quality education, decent employment opportunities, effective livelihood skills in order to strengthen young people’s individual resilience and create the circumstances for the realization of their full potential;
Allocate adequate resources to facilitate comprehensive and integrated provision of health services that include awareness raising, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and other communicable diseases and; Promote better integration of family planning and sexual reproductive health in HIV and AIDS services and vice-versa (i.e. promote better integration of HIV and AIDS services into family planning and sexual and reproductive health services). Increase universal access to quality, affordable, comprehensive and integrated maternal health, sexual and reproductive health and rights services, including voluntary family planning; Increase community social mobilisation to create demand and uptake of reproductive health services especially to the underserved groups, including people with disabilities; ;
Adopt and implement policies and programmes that ensure equal access to various services including health, education, protection and care for the aged persons, indigenous groups and people with disabilities; Establish child and elderly protection units at national and sub-national levels to provide assistance and protection to children and the older persons
Set up and strengthen legal mechanisms/frameworks that protect and promote human rights, including elimination of all forms of gender-based violence; Promote equal access to resources and opportunities in all spheres of life including economic empowerment of women. and participation in decision making structures;
Address inequality and promote inclusiveness, participation and dignity; Respond to HIV &AIDS challenges. Improve sexual and reproductive health and protect SR rights. Address adolescent pregnancies Address population, environment and development linkage
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