Villages in Montgomery County Status Update June 2014
What is a Village? A volunteer led grassroots movement that aims to support older adults who choose to age-in-place. The idea is simple: neighbor helping neighbor. Communities design their own Village model based on their unique make up, interests, and needs. Some choose an intergenerational model. Services may include social engagement and a variety of support services. The possibilities are endless.
How does a Village start? One or two people talk about this concept with their neighbors. They form a planning committee. The committee decides on a preferred Village structure. The committee develops the essential elements of the Village (governance, main goals, communications strategies etc.) The process may take months.
Villages develop their unique structure independently, choosing features that meet their needs. They exist on a spectrum: Structured Independent 501 (c )(3) Board with officers Hired staff Carried its own insurance Members pay dues Loose Under Civic / Neighborhood Association or faith based organization limited coordination function No dues or funds All volunteer led
Villages offer a variety of services based on members’ needs and interests. Below is a limited list of examples: Volunteer transportation Referrals to service (vetted, member recommended, partner businesses) Social activities (meeting at local café, featured speakers, walking groups, book clubs) Limited in-home support (meals, laundry, home repairs, pet care and more) Computer help Friendly calling and visiting
Villages by the numbers 12 active (self identify, offer programs and/or services) 8 in development (a planning groups meets regularly to decide on the character of their village) 8 in “seed” stage (one or two people state they would like to start a village)
Active Villages Bannockburn NAN Burning Tree Village Cabin John Chevy Chase At Home Greater Farmland Senior Village Little Falls Village Mill Creek Village Olney Home For Life Potomac Community Village Silver Spring Village (20910) Town of Garrett Park Senior Committee Village of Takoma Park (20912)
Villages in Development Bethesda Place Bethesda Metro Area Village Bradley Hills Village Maplewood Community Montgomery Square citizen Association Muslim Community Center (20905) Sandy Spring Friends Hosue Wyngate Community
Villages in “seed” stage Dufief Community (20878) City of Gaithersburg Good Hope Union Church (20905) Montgomery Square Citizen Association. St. Camillus Church (20906) Montgomery Village Peach Orchard Heights Civic Assoc.(20905) University Towers Condominiums (20902)
Active and Developing Villages in Montgomery County June 2014
Role of Local Communities of Faith COF can serve as link to diverse and underserved groups. Local COF are serving their aging members differently. Some COF have established a comprehensive response to aging in place (For example St. Andrews). Working with the liaison to faith communities to learn from successful COF models and identify COF needs. Working with COF (such as Muslim Community Center and St. Camillus) to adapt the Village concept to a faith based aging in place model.
Logistics It takes a village! Space Meeting spaces Office space Volunteer Management Recruiting Vetting Training Sustaining Legal obligations Insurance Liability Incorporation IRS Information management Communications Outreach Databases Professional Services How to partner Vetting process Legal responsibility Sustainability Financial Leadership Board development
Resources for Villages: Village to Village Network: We are members and share this resources with county villages. Washington Area Villages Exchange: We are active participants in developing the WAVE database and website and in workshop planning. Maryland Community of Practice: Biannual meeting of Maryland Villages facilitated by Carol Cober (Westat) and Maureen Cavaiola (Chesapeake At Home). Village Ride: A grant funded pilot program that coordinates volunteer transportation rides for 5 Villages. Montgomery County website Montgomery County BCC Regional Service Center: Able to offer limited space and office support. Village Blueprint: Currently under revisions. Media and academic journals.
Contact For more information: Pazit Aviv Village Coordinator Area Agency on Aging Health and Human Services