2014 Program Grants Pre-Proposal Conference August 15, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

2014 Program Grants Pre-Proposal Conference August 15, 2013

“Access to quality, affordable health care for poor and underserved individuals is the driving force for the REACH Foundation’s work.” Two targeted outcomes: 1. INCREASED ACCESS to health care services and health coverage 2. IMPROVED QUALITY of health care services GRANT GUIDELINES 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 2

FUNDING PARTNERS Our funding area includes Allen, Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas, and Cass, Jackson and Lafayette counties in Missouri, and Kansas City, Missouri We seek nonprofit partners that:  Are innovative, and committed to improvement and growth;  Demonstrate best practices in leadership and governance;  Collaborate or partner with others;  Are moving toward integration of services;  Demonstrate commitment to cultural competency, consumer engagement and a patient-centered approach to care;  Leverage diverse funding sources 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 3

Organizations that deliver services or carry out activities that benefit people living within the REACH Foundation service area. Organizations that are tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)3 and in good standing in the state in which incorporated. Governmental entities.  Coalitions and collaborative efforts and new or emerging organizations without approved tax-exempt status may apply through a tax-exempt organization that serves as fiscal agent. *For more detailed information on eligibility, visit our website at WHO IS ELIGIBLE 8/15/20134 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants

The health priorities of the REACH Foundation remain unchanged – oral health, mental health and safety net health care. The theory of change (TOC) serves as our guide to how and where we make investments in nonprofit organizations. The strategies in the TOC are our first funding priority. In addition, the foundation is encouraging innovation in our program grants through new opportunities: 1. Additional emphasis and preference for three specific strategies:  Expansion of health care access points  Expansion of the number and diversity of health providers, health navigators and mental health engagement specialists  Collaboration/partnerships to address complex healthcare issues 2. Encouraging Innovation:  Propose new strategies not explicitly identified in the REACH TOC but are responsive to one or more barriers identified in the REACH TOC FUNDING PRIORITIES 8/15/20135

LONG-TERM IMPACT Improvements in health outcomes for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and medically underserved Equity in health outcomes across economic, geographic, gender, racial and ethnic groups IMPACT 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 6 IMPACT

OUTCOME 1 Increased access to quality, affordable health care services and coverage for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and/or medically underserved OUTCOME 2 Improved quality of health care services for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and/or medically underserved 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 7 OUTCOMES

INCREASE ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE SERVICES & COVERAGE IMPROVE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE STRATEGIES INCLUDE: Increase number of health access points for oral health, mental health and primary care through the safety net and in rural communities Expand the number and diversity of health care providers, navigators and engagement specialists Support use of mid-level providers and expanded scope of practice to create greater health access Advance policies to expand Medicaid, Health Homes, oral health workforce, and preserve the safety net Provide health education and advocacy to consumers, providers and policymakers Utilize place-based health services and/or tele- health STRATEGIES INCLUDE: Implement PCMH and Medical/Health Home standards in clinics and community mental health centers Support activities that connect Accountable Care Organizations to the health care safety net Adopt bi-directional integration of oral health, mental health and primary care services Expand use of care coordination, intensive case management, disease management Implement evidenced-based treatment approaches Build organizational and/or community capacity to address health care access and quality Build organizational and provider cultural competency Implement electronic health records, HIE and other technologies 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 8 STRATEGIES

Fragmented system of health care Workforce shortages among specific provider groups Low provider participation in Medicaid Cultural competence of organizations and providers Language and cultural barriers to accessing high quality care Social and economic conditions Affordability of health care services and coverage Lack of consumer support navigating the complex health care system Inadequate funding to address the health care needs of persons living in poverty 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 9 BARRIERS

INCREASE ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE SERVICES & COVERAGEIMPROVE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE STRATEGIES INCLUDE: Increase number of health access points for oral health, mental health and primary care through the safety net and in rural communities Expand the number and diversity of health care providers, navigators and engagement specialists Support use of mid-level providers and expanded scope of practice to create greater health access Advance policies to expand Medicaid, Health Homes, oral health workforce, and preserve the safety net Provide health education and advocacy to consumers, providers and policymakers Utilize place-based health services and/or tele-health STRATEGIES INCLUDE: Implement PCMH and Medical/Health Home standards in clinics and community mental health centers Support activities that connect Accountable Care Organizations to the health care safety net Adopt bi-directional integration of oral health, mental health and primary care services Expand use of care coordination, intensive case management, disease management Implement evidenced-based treatment approaches Build organizational and/or community capacity to address health care access and quality Build organizational and provider cultural competency Implement electronic health records, HIE and other technologies LONG-TERM IMPACT Improvements in health outcomes for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and medically underserved Equity in health outcomes across economic, geographic, gender, racial and ethnic groups OUTCOME 1 Increased access to quality, affordable health care services and coverage for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and/or medically underserved OUTCOME 2 Improved quality of health care services for persons who are living in poverty, uninsured and/or medically underserved 10

REACH is committed to evaluating our efforts and using the information to inform our grant making strategies. Applicants will be asked to identify in their proposal the IMPACT area, targeted OUTCOME, and the specific STRATEGY(IES) that will be implemented through the project. Once grants are awarded:  Key indicators and associated metrics will be collaboratively selected  REACH will suggest one impact and one outcome indicator to be measured by grantees  Informed by long-term partners *For more information on the theory of change, visit our website at MEASURING PROGRESS 8/15/201311

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Two stage online application process: 1.Letter of Intent 2.Full Proposal  Organizations invited to submit a full proposal will be provided information to guide their efforts The online application is available at REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 12

1.Complete brief eligibility survey 2.Complete required information 3.Download required forms, including: Narrative Budget APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 4.Upload attachments  Narrative  Budget  IRS Letter 5. Attestation Statement* 6. Click Submit! 8/15/201313

 Create ONE account and password to be shared among staff.  You are not required to complete your online application in one session. When exiting the application, choose “Save & Finish Later” to save your work.  To return to your account, visit our website at Click on the “Grantees” link in the upper left-hand corner of the home page.  To save data on a page, click “Next” or select a page number.  Click on the page numbers to move between pages within your application. Do NOT click on your browser’s back button – you will lose your data if you do. *Contact the Grants Manager with any questions regarding the online application 8/15/201314

NON-DISCRIMINATION Additional requirement for full proposal: Submit a Board-approved non-discrimination policy Must pertain to both employment and provision of services Must specify age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or any other consideration made unlawful by applicable law Organizations that do not have a Board-approved policy in place by the time of proposal submission that includes these considerations may provide a signed statement by their Board chair affirming this statement. In the 2015 grant cycle this option will not be available. 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 15

APPLICATION ASSISTANCE  Contact program staff or grants manager for help  Review FAQ’s on the website  Attend grant writing and evaluation technical assistance workshops  Submit early – LOI reviewed for completeness up to two business days prior to deadline 8/15/ REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants

8/15/ Does the Foundation allocate its funds by county or funding priority? Answer: No. But we work to ensure our resources are addressing needs across our service area and interest areas/priorities. The Foundation continues to invest in each of the six counties in our service area through a variety of investment approaches including initiatives, core operating grants, discretionary grants, and program grants. Can I apply for more than one grant during the year? Answer: Yes. There are no limits on grant applications. However, because we receive more proposals than we can fund, we encourage organizations to focus on those programs that have the greatest potential to increase access to health care services for the poor and medically underserved or improve the quality of care received by the target population(s). My organization was previously declined for funding. Can we apply again? Answer: Yes. But please review the reasons your proposal was declined before submitting a new request. If you are not clear why you were declined, contact a program officer for feedback. Must we address one of the 2014 competitive priorities? Answer: No. But you must propose to implement at least one of the strategies in the TOC or in the case of the Innovation Competitive Priority address one of the barriers through a new strategy. Can we address more than 1 of the competitive priorities? Answer: Not at this time. Speak to a program officer if you have questions about this. FAQs

Letter of Intent Deadline Thursday, September 5, by 4:00 pm Full Proposal Invitations Issued October 1 Full Proposal Application Conference October 8 Evaluation Workshop October 8 Full Proposal TA Workshop October 16 Full Proposal Deadline Thursday, November 7, by 4:00 pm Notification of Program Grant Awards January 3, 2014 Grant Term Begins Dialogue KEY DATES 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 18

Additional Year-Round Funding Opportunities: Capacity Grants Policy/Advocacy Grants CEO Discretionary Grants OTHER GRANT OPTIONS 8/15/2013 REACH Healthcare Foundation 2014 Program Grants 19 *Visit our website or contact a program officer to discuss your ideas