1.Stay on topic. 2.Speak in a way that reflects Christ. 3.Please keep comments brief and focused. 4.Ask one question at a time.
We are mission driven! Faith: Empowered by Christ’s love, we reach, teach, and care for people Celebration is a ministry to those who know the Lord and a mission to those who do not
Definition reaching into our membership to bring the love of Jesus to people who have become disengaged with the congregation. Why disengaged? Don’t value or connect with church’s worship or activities Negative experience
Faith’s membership has grown, but worship attendance has remained the same. Each year a larger portion of Faith members are not consistently engaging in ministry. 2 new boards, Shepherding and Assimilation, are charged with strategizing and implementing a plan to reach these members wherever they are.
Celebration’s membership has been relatively stable for the last few years, and worship attendance has remained largely the same. Recently, Celebration’s time of transition has had a negative effect on both membership and worship attendance. A new plan going forward could reenergize presently disengaged members.
Definition Sharing Jesus with our neighbors in any way we can! Opportunities Young Families are underserved Seekers: diverse ministries means a place for everyone!
Young families abound in our community, but seem to be proportionately underrepresented in our congregations’ worship life. More than 50% of Faith’s membership is under the age of 40. Childcares and Day School are essential and vibrant outreach points into the community. Diverse ministry opportunities are desirable – ‘A place for everyone!’
Inreach Diversity of worship, education, and other ministry offerings could encourage new engagement New ministry opportunities could re-energize not only disengaged members, but each one of us too! Outreach Newness of merged ministry could be attractive Ministry creativity sparked by bringing Celebration and Faith people together Childcares, day school, ministry all working together to bring Jesus to the community!
We need your help! Please gather in groups of no more than 5 Grab a post-it pack and a pen for your group then head over to one of the titled papers on the east wall. Your challenge is to answer the question, “What are some ways we can do this better as a merged ministry?”
Stick your answers up on the paper. As you read other’s ideas, write a check mark right on the post-it note if you really like the idea. Your moderator will ask you to move to the right after a few minutes. “What are some ways we can do this better as a merged ministry?”