Information Technology Update Presented by: Mr. Roger Botti Mr. Roger Botti Mr. Sean Flaherty Mr. Eric Treater Mr. Robert Tozier 8/25/2010
Agenda Introduction - Dr. Green Information Technology Update Questions and Comments
Our Goals Technology Applications: Supporting Student Achievement Professional Development Technology Applications: Supporting District Operations Infrastructure and Support Reorganization/ Future Technology Planning
Technology Applications: Supporting Student Achievement ~ Accomplishments ~
Technology Applications Supporting Student Achievement Accomplishments Technology in Curriculum Classrooms for the Future/NAI 6 th Grade Keyboarding Distance Learning/RWAN
Technology Applications Supporting Student Achievement Accomplishments Mobile Technology/IPod Touch Mobile Lab Pilot Curriculum Review Projects Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) IEP Writer
Technology Applications Supporting Student Achievement Accomplishments IPod Touch Mobile Lab Pilot - Update Pilot lab used at NASH, IMS and MES. Staff and students enthusiastic about new technology. Lessons included music, Spanish, math, and reading.
Technology Applications: Supporting Student Achievement ~ Recommendations ~
Technology Applications Supporting Student Achievement Recommendations Place multi-media projectors in all classrooms KDG through 8 th grade as part of the mobile technology initiative. Place one mobile lab with 30 netbook computers in each middle school as part of the mobile technology initiative. Place 2 IPod Touch mobile lab at each middle school and one IPod Touch mobile lab at NAI as part of the mobile technology initiative.
Technology Applications Supporting Student Achievement Recommendations IPod Touch Mobile Lab Update IPods need to delivered and imaged. Training modules being developed. Four to six teachers at each school will receive full day initial training. At building level in-service in November all staff will receive overview of IPod Touch technology.
Professional Development ~ Recommendations ~
Professional Development Recommendations All professional development will be coordinated through the staff development office. eLearning for staff. Training for Tyler Student/Financial Software.
Technology Applications: Supporting District Operations ~ Accomplishments ~
Technology Applications Supporting District Operations Accomplishments Web-based Gradebook. District website. District website. Selected vendor to replace our current student and financial software.
Technology Applications: Supporting District Operations ~ Recommendations ~
Technology Applications Supporting District Operations Recommendations Go live with the new North Allegheny Website at Implementation of the new student and financial software from Tyler Technology.
Technology Applications Supporting District Operations Tyler Technology Update Final Agreement was signed on August 6, Final Agreement was signed on August 6, Introductory Meeting held on August 20, 2010 with IT staff. Steering Committees to meet on Friday, August 27, Kick-off Meeting for Financial Software Sept. 21 and 22, 2010.
Infrastructure and Support ~ Accomplishments ~
Infrastructure and Support Accomplishments Deployed 435 workstations and 25 laptop computers. Added 12 mobile labs at NAI and 3 at the middle schools for keyboarding class. Installed Apple X server.
Infrastructure and Support Accomplishments cont… Expanded virtual environment. Researched SANS upgrade.
Infrastructure and Support ~ Recommendations ~
Infrastructure and Support Recommendations Purchased and installed 500 workstations and 12 laptops. Completed transition from Windows 2000 operating system. Prepare for deployment of Office 2010 next summer. Acquire and install a new shared storage solution. Replace Kronos and Dossier Software.
Infrastructure and Support Recommendations cont… Acquire Archiving solution. Build virtual print servers. Enter into a new service agreement for network and phone support. Upgrade main network switches at NAI and NASH.
2010 – 2011 Organization
Reorganization Internal Organization – The Department recommends the following changes: Transfer Academic Technology Position to Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum. Create a Senior Manager of Information Technology Position. Create a Manager of Operating Systems. Upgrade Systems Analyst Position to Systems Administrator Position. Hire Lead Operating Systems Technician.
Future Planning Future Technology Planning Curriculum driven Curriculum driven Structured and comprehensive Structured and comprehensive Appropriate for classroom Appropriate for classroom Fiscally sound Fiscally sound Involves all stakeholders Involves all stakeholders
The challenge of the District is to involve all stakeholders as the District moves forward with technology planning. The District needs to move forward with a curriculum type of review for technology. The review needs to be coordinated between the Curriculum and Information Technology Offices. This process will give the District the ability to move technology forward in a comprehensive manner. Conclusion
Questions and Comments