Osmosis Jones BY Tyler Thorson And Taylor Westhuain
Osmosis Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Procedure We made four different concentrations of a salt water mixture; 0%, 1%, 5%, 10%. We made four different concentrations of a salt water mixture; 0%, 1%, 5%, 10%. Cut 4 similar sized pieces of apple and potato. Cut 4 similar sized pieces of apple and potato. Find the original weight of all of the slices. Find the original weight of all of the slices. Put one apple and one potato piece into each solution of water for 20 minutes. Put one apple and one potato piece into each solution of water for 20 minutes. Weigh out all of the slices to see how osmosis effected the slices. Weigh out all of the slices to see how osmosis effected the slices.
Hypothesis As the percent of salt gets higher the weight of both the apples and the potatoes will decrease.
Data % of salt Potatoes mass in g before Potatoes mass in g after % change of mass Apples mass in g before Apples mass in g after % change of mass
Conclusion Our purpose was to find out how osmosis is affected in different salt concentrations and in different types of food. The results of our experiment was that the type of food and percent of salt does effect osmosis. The potatoes steadily decreased in percent change of mass as the salt concentration got higher. It went from 4.5% decrease to a 19% decrease. The apple first increased in weight in the water by 7.1% and in the 1% salt by 6.1%, which means the apple was saltier than the solution it was in. But in the 5% salt it decreased in weight by 5.9% and in the 10% salt it also decreased in weight, by 12.5%.
Conclusion ► This data both agreed and disagreed with our hypothesis. ► Our hypothesis was correct for the potatoes because it decreased in weight as the salt concentration increased. ► But the apple first increased in weight at low concentrations, and then decreased as the concentrations got higher.
Errors The apples floated and the potatoes sank so the apples were less surrounded by the concentration. The apples floated and the potatoes sank so the apples were less surrounded by the concentration. We used tap water so there could have been unknown substances in our water. We used tap water so there could have been unknown substances in our water. If we could redo this experiment, we would use bottled water and find a way to hold the apples under the concentration. If we could redo this experiment, we would use bottled water and find a way to hold the apples under the concentration.
What We Learned We learned that osmosis can be affected in many ways such as food types and salt concentration. Also we learned that apples are saltier than potatoes.
The End