Misconception # 1 Schizophrenia is the Same as Dissociative Identity Disorder -- Quotations Book
The symptoms that get confused Schizophrenia – Hallucinations Can be auditory or visual. Visual hallucinations will converse and interact with the individual. Individual thinks hallucination is a real person and is aware of their presence. No amnesia involved. Dissociative Identity- Alter Ego completely different personality (not person) with a name, history, mannerisms. Inhabits the same body as the true individual. The true individual is unaware of the presence of other personalities. True individual experiences amnesia whenever the alter is presence.
Why we know Tyler Durden is a Hallucination No switch from true identity to alter ego involving amnesia. The host is aware of Tyler and interacts with him Tyler Durden does not present himself in the same body (movie)
Why the reader might be confused… Quotes from the Narrator “I know this because Tyler knows this.” “Sometimes, Tyler speaks for me.” "I had to know what Tyler was doing while I was asleep. If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?“
"Oh, this is bullshit. This is a dream. Tyler is a projection. He's a dissociative personality disorder. A psychogenic fugue state. Tyler Durden is my hallucination. 'Fuck that shit,' Tyler says. 'Maybe you're my schizophrenic hallucination. 'I was here first. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, well let's just see who's here last.'" Palahniuk addresses both disorders as possibilities when the narrator and Tyler argue about the realities of their situation.