Chen, Kao & Tyler (2007, Cerebral Cortex)
Faces from the FERET database, filtered in a 4 th -power Gaussian aperture and normalized to the full contrast range
Scrambling the phase destroys the local features global structure but retains the Fourier energy and net activation of linear receptive fields
Zeroing the phase and reflecting destroys the local features global structure but retains the symmetry as well Fourier energy and net linear RF activation
Rotating the face varies the local features and Fourier energy, but retains individuality and emotional recognition
Inverting the face retains all the local features and Fourier energy, but reduces individuality and emotional recognition
Symmetry vs. random activation pattern Activation in mid-lateral occipital regions (replication of Tyler et al., 2005, NeuroImage) vs. L R Coherence Threshold V1-3 Motion ODS(KO) Symmetry
vs. Face Localizer Faces vs. random activate both ventral and dorsal regions of lateral occipital cortex Coherence Threshold L R V1-3 Motion ODS(KO) Symmetry Occipital face area Fusiform face area IOS depth?
LR L vs. Symmetry Occipital face area Fusiform face area IOS component 3D Pose Invariance Ventral face areas are pose-blind, but dorsal symmetry areas are activated
vs. L LR Symmetry Occipital face area Fusiform face area IOS component Facial Inversion Effect Inverting these full-cue faces shows a large facial inversion effect in both ventral and dorsal regions