Tyler Perry By: Kayla McDaniel
About Tyler's life He was abuse by his father. At age 16 he change his first name to Tyler He separated his self from his father His mom died He also dropped out of high school He loves to make movies
Tyler Perry quotes
Tyler Perry sayings
The company About His Company International His Company International is a dynamic dance and arts ministry devoted to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
Business they ended up centered at Portsmouth, Iowa the government financial aid 1929.
Education His education continued at a school in nearby Madura, a center of education in Roman North Africa fifteen kilometers (twenty miles) south of Thagaste.
Frist company located Tyler Perry Studios is the first African- American owned studio in the country and had its grand opening on October 4, Located in Atlanta, Georgia,
How much his business worth and him Tyler Perry earns over $100 million per year. TV shows who has a net worth of $400 million. Tyler Perry is worth 80 million
Birth date/dead September He is not dead
Were there any failure No there were no failure
pictures Pictures of him
THE EHD !!!!