Managed Lanes in Washington State Tyler Patterson WSDOT Toll Operations Engineer and Todd Merkens WSDOT Tolling Engineer Dave Dye Deputy Secretary Paula Hammond Secretary of Transportation Steve Reinmuth Chief of Staff Agency Working Group for Managed Lanes - Webinar May 2, 2012
Washington state HOV system Planned 320 mile system in the Central Puget Sound Region Approximately 220 miles built Very well utilized during peak periods Operations: Continuous access 2+ occupancy requirement (with a few exceptions) I-5 HOV lanes operate 24/7 Other HOV lanes operate 5 am to 7 pm Double-white lines in some places to prevent unsafe maneuvers.
SR 167 had two general purpose lanes and one HOV lane. SR 167 HOT Lane Features Free to buses, 2+ carpools and motorcycles Solo drivers pay a single toll to travel any distance on 10-mile route Single HOT lane in each direction HOT lane separated from GP lanes by double-white line, which is illegal to cross. Electronic signs indicate the toll rate before each entry point 10 access points Pre-HOT lanes: SR 167 had two general purpose lanes and one HOV lane. Post HOT lanes: HOV lanes were converted to a single HOT lane in each direction.
Why restricted access on SR 167? Reduces Toll Evasion Improved Safety Helps Enforcement Serves the long trips A Freeway within a Freeway It was what everyone else was doing!
Future plans: converting HOV to HOT Regional plans call for converting all HOV lanes to HOT lanes by 2020 WSDOT currently conducting an express toll lanes pre-design study Options range from converting existing HOV lane to converting HOV lane and use shoulder during peaks for a dual lane system Challenges Space for buffer separation is limited if not impossible Location of congestion is very dynamic and varies between AM and PM (in both directions)
What we have learned… Additional signage needed Modified access points No significant change in safety University of Washington As congestion increases, violations increase. Drivers want to get into the lane when the reach the start of the queue Very few instances of toll avoidance On-going complaints – Top 3 Access Signing
MnDOT’s 35W HOT lanes I-394 implemented with 80% buffer separated 20% open access I-35W implemented with 20% buffer separated 80% open access
Discussion Goals Open vs. Restricted Access Revenue impacts Safety impacts Speed impacts Volume impacts Trip length impacts Double vs. single lane – different treatments Future flexibility
Discussion Topics What is the real speed differential between HOT lanes and GP lanes? Does it matter if it’s a single HOT lane verses a dual HOT lane? What additional space is needed if any within the cross-section of a HOT lane? Are there facts on toll avoidance tendencies? What do you hear from your customers as it relates to access? What revenue impacts are there with more access? Can your gross revenue be more or less? What trips should be served in the HOT lanes? Long distance vs. anyone who wants to pay? Safety Research 6 of one, half dozen of the other? How much is local driver behavior a factor?
Questions? For more information please contact Patty Rubstello Director of Toll Systems Development and Engineering 206-464-1249 or or Tyler Patterson Toll Operations Engineer 206.716.1134 or