BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE Rick Hansen Rick Hansen Secondary School
WELCOME Patricia Whyte Principal Julie De Maeyer Vice Principal (A-Ha) Tyler McLeod Vice Principal (Hb-N) Crissa Hill Vice Principal (O-Z) Barbara Crease Head of Counselling
WELCOME Thank you for turning off your cell phones
This Evening's Open House & Information Sessions Curricular tours at beginning and end of evening Presentation: 6:45-7:15 PM Opportunity to get information on compulsory and optional credits throughout the school Opportunity to become familiar with the building
Rick Hansen’s Mission… The mission of our school is to prepare all the learners in our building to be thinking, caring, flexible individuals who can meet the challenges of the 21 st Century.
Rick Hansen Secondary School STORM
STEWARDSHIP Every individual in the school works to create, protect and nourish the culture and energy in the building
TECHNOLOGY Learning happens any place, and at any time We embrace the use of 21 st century tools
OPPORTUNITY Students need to develop socially, emotionally, and academically We believe everyone is important. We think all students should be involved
RESPONSIVENESS Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it We are all responsible for what we say and do
METACURRICULUM Students use inquiry as a means to understanding how they learn best Focus on critical thinking
Our School 1735 students currently 8:30 AM – 3:05 PM; five 75 minute periods (lunches are 3 rd or 4 th ) Semestered – grade 9 to 12 Full Ontario curriculum for diploma Extensive technology program Preparation for Workplace / Apprenticeship College University
Our Staff Caring, enthusiastic and supportive Committed to high expectations Connected to their professional communities Possess a growth mindset
Our Students 3 elementary schools feed into RHSS Accepting, safe & supportive Creative risk takers Focussed "it's OK to like school"
CashlessSchools An electronic payment option for parents CashlessSchools offers parents an easy to use account with 24/7 access, alerts, and student fee, cafeteria and purchase history reporting Manage funds for meals …swipe of the student card
The Course Selection Process Diploma Requirements Types of Courses Submission of Option Sheets
Diploma Requirements - 30 Credits 18 Compulsory Credits Every student must pass all 18 courses outlined by the Ministry of Education 12 Elective Credits Students can choose which elective courses they want to complete over their 4+ years
Other Diploma Requirements 40 Hours of Community Service Activities Successful completion of the Provincial Literacy Test (written in Grade 10)
Your Grade 9 Program 6 Compulsory Courses English Math Science Canadian Geography French Health and Physical Education 2 Optional Courses Choose 1 option from the Arts (Music, Drama, Dance or Visual Arts) Choose 1 option from Business, Hospitality, or Integrated Technology
Types of Courses Grades 9 and 10 Academic Applied Open Students may take a combination of academic, applied and open courses Grades 11 and 12 University Preparation University/Colleg e Preparation College Preparation Workplace Preparation Open
What to take in Grade 9? Core Subjects Achievement in grade 8 must be taken into consideration You can mix Applied and Academic courses Ask your Grade 8 Teachers and Counsellor for advice in choosing the types of courses Optional Subjects Consider exploring something new Choose something that is of interest at this time Talk with parents
Courses at a Glance English: ENG1D0, ENG1P0, ENG1L0 French: FSF1D0, FSF1P0 Mathematics: MPM1D0, MFM1P0, MAT1L0 Sciences: SNC1D0, SNC1P0, SNC1L0 Geography: CGC1D0, CGC1P0, CGC1P7 Health and Physical Education: PPL1OF, PPL1OM
Dance ATC 1O0 Learn technical skills Choreography Explore a variety of dance forms Learn to appreciate the aesthetics of dance
Drama ADA 1O0 Group and individual performances Tableau, movement, costume design Analyze plays
Music Instrumental Music AMI 1O0 Little or no experience in brass, woodwind, or percussion Music Vocal/Choral AMV 1O0 Singing in a variety of styles
Visual Arts AVI 1O0 Elements and principles of design Drawing Painting Photography Sculpture
Hospitality Hospitality and Tourism TFJ 1O0 Commercial food handling Preparation for the school cafeteria Health and safety Use of specialized tools and equipment
Information and Communication Technology BTT 1O0 Word Excel PowerPoint Access Web Page Design Create your own business plan Business Studies
Technology Integrated Technology TIJ 1O0 “Hands-On” projects Work with tools, equipment and software ROBOTICS Computer electronics Innovative project design
Submission of Option Sheets Counsellor or Home Room Teacher will set the due date in approx. November Requires student and parent signatures Use Chart Your Course and other handouts to get descriptions of courses Course selections should then be completed on-line through
Action Plan Review Chart Your Course, other handouts, & your IPP Discuss with Parents Complete Option Sheet Return Option Sheet by assigned due date Complete Option Selection via myBlueprint Submit in November
Get Involved Clubs –Robotics –DECA –Weight Room –Debate Team –Muslim Students Association –Christian Fellowship –Sikh Association –and more…. Activities –Student Council –Peer Mentors –Athletics Council –Arts Council –Bands –Drama Council –Fashion Show –Math Contests –and more…. Teams –Badminton –Table Tennis –Rugby –Basketball –Cricket –Golf –Soccer –Swimming –Volleyball –and more…
At this point, Grade 9 parents are invited to begin their tour of the different curricular areas throughout the school. At the end of the presentation, parents of Grade 8s may continue their tour.
How is grade 9 different? No recess! No "homeroom" teacher like in grade 8 Students are responsible for managing their own deadlines and workload Four 75-minute classes each day
Final Evaluations Everyone must complete semester- end assignments and/or exams Be Organized Be Prepared Final Evaluation Units in high school occur in January and June
Tips for Success Good attendance Good time management Positive attitude Active participation Take responsibility Good digital citizenship Healthy habits and choices (walk, sleep, communicate)
Formula for Success Student Handbook Code of Conduct Calendar Newsletters Stay connected!
Thanks for coming! See you next September!