Somali Current TYLER JANOSKI
First, let’s talk about the South-Asian Monsoon Monsoon develops because of temperature differences between land and sea Remember: Land heats and cools much quicker than water The center of Asia is extremely continental Summer: Thermal low over Tibet Air is forced upwards through heating Subtropical high over the Indian Ocean Winds flow northeastward Winter: High pressure now over continental Asia Air now rises over the Indian Ocean Winds flow southwestward
Somali Current Formation June to Sept: air flows towards low pressure in Asia Jet of air called Findlater jet (or Somali Jet) forms from Western Intensification (it happens in the atmosphere too!) off coast of Somalia and Oman Winds drive current from Southwest to Northeast After Sept: winds die down Dec-March: High pressure of Asia, air flows towards ocean Current reverses direction and flows from Northeast to Southwest
Ekman Transport! As we all know, the net transport of water is directed to the right of the wind stress The flow in the Ekman layer during the summer is offshore Cold water from the bottom Ekman layer flows up to replace it in upwelling The strength of the winds and the Findlater jet create massive upwelling along the Somali coast In the winter, the flow is directed on-shore, though it is weaker because of weaker winds Cold air in the winter cools sea surface temperatures and promotes mixing
Comparison to other Western Boundary Currents Somali current is the only Western boundary current that reverses direction Relatively short because the Asian continent takes up most of Northern hemisphere above Indian ocean Still experiences Western intensification (but only when it’s flowing Northeast in the summer) Recorded speeds > 300cm/s Upwelling during summer can lower temperatures by five degrees C Upwelling=productive marine ecosystem
The Great Whirl With the Somali Current forms an extremely large anticyclonic eddy called the Great Whirl 300km wide, extending almost 1000 m deep Speed approx. 200cm/s Researchers have discovered that it actually starts to form before the summer monsoon begins Recently proposed theory: Rossby waves from previous monsoon propagate westward and concentrate energy off the coast May play a role as predictor of monsoon strength May influence the characteristics of the monsoon