4/12/10 William Shakespeare By Tyler Hernandez Ms. Marshall ¾ Walter Stiern Middle School Standard HSS
4/12/10 Early life and Siblings William Shakespeare was born April 26th, He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. People weren’t sure if that was his exact birthday. William died on April 26th, William was not the only child, there was two sisters that were born before him and three brothers after. These children were born by John and Mary Shakespeare. John was a businessman in Stratford. Mary had inherited her father’s landowning and farming estate. William Shakespeare is known because of his literature. People still recognize William and think of his poems, plays, and famous quotes.
4/12/10 Wife and first born When William Shakespeare was eighteen he married Anne Hathaway on November 28th, Anne was twenty-six when they were married and she was pregnant with a girl. Seven months after they were married she had her first child. William and Anne named her Susanna.
4/12/10 Shakespeare’s Children William and Anne had twins born in February Their names were Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet, being Williams only son died of the Black Plague in 1596, only 11 years old. The twins were named after Williams close friends Judith and Hamnet Sadler Susanna grew up to marry a man and had a miscarriage. Her husband later on was sent to penance four 5 years.
4/12/10 Shakespeare’s work William Shakespeare’s first play was Henry VI Part 1, written on March 3rd 1593.he wrote part II and III in His works were divided into four groups: Classical plays, Comedy of Errors, The history plays, and the Narrative poems.
Globe Theatre The Globe Theatre was were Shakespeare’s plays were shown. Henry part I of Shakespeare’s plays was played at the theatre. The Globe Theatre was burnt down on June 29 th. The theatre was rebuilt and they called it The Second Globe Theatre. 4/12/10
The Chamberlain’s The Chamberlain’s was a group of performers, that include: William Shakespeare, John Heminges, Augustine Phillips, Thomas Pope, and William Kemp. The Chamberlain’s would perform at the Globe Theatre for everybody to see. 4/12/10
William’s Will William’s will was that his money was split between his children and wife. he even left some money to his grandchildren. He gave his property to his daughter Susanna. William gave is little objects that were dear to him to his friends. 4/12/10
Shakespeare’s Death William Shakespeare died on April 23 rd, He was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church on April 25 th. His gravestone said: GOOD FREND FOR JESUS SAKE FORBEAR, TO DIGG THE DUST ENCLOSED HEARE. BLEASTE BE Ye MAN Yt SPARES THES STONES, AND CURST BE HE Yt MOVES MY BONES. 4/12/10
Bibliography and-grandchildren.htm aphy.htm playwright