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You wake up on a cold, metal operating table, with a young women spooning you soup. You have no idea who this woman is, or where you are. She whispers for you to lie down and accept the soup. The room you are in is a plain, white room with nothing but an operating table, a few loose surgery tools, and a metal toilet. The woman is a small, frail woman looking no older than 25, and is holding a milky green soup with a small spoon. You are unsure what is in the soup, but it smells strongly of peas and prescription drugs. A million questions immediately flood your mind, and you consider asking the woman these questions. Do you -Lie down and accept the soup, or -Sit up and ask her questions. -Lie down and accept the soup -Sit up and ask her questions
You gladly accept the warm soup, as you realize how cold and hungry you are. When you quickly finish off the soup, she stands up and briskly walks to a glass, thin door with a metal frame. She pulls out a key from a keychain, attached to her loose denim jeans, and sticks it into the lock, and opens the door. As you watch her exit the room, you immediately hear the click of the door locked. You see the silhouette of her and a man outside of the door. You think you might be able to hear them if you get closer to the door. Do you: -Lie down and wait for the woman to come back into the room, or -Sneak over to the door and eavesdrop on their conversation -Lie down and wait for the woman to come back into the room -Sneak over to the door and eavesdrop on their conversation
You sit up and immediately feel an agonizing wound in your abdomen. You quickly flop back down to the table, but immediately ask the woman where you are, who she is, and just about every single question that has come to mind. Surprisingly, she answers a few of them, saying that she walked outside of her home and found you laying on the ground, unconscious, with a knife in your stomach. Considering the story, a man all of a sudden bursts into the room, and grabs the woman by the neck. He pulls out a switch-blade, and begins to pull it towards the woman’s chest. Do you: -Get up and defend the helpless woman, or -Watch in horror what the man is doing. -Get up and defend the helpless woman, -Watch in horror what the man is doing
After multiple hours of laying on the table, you begin to get itchy and bored. You begin to hoist yourself up, but in a matter of moments, the door is opened and a very peculiar looking doctor enters the room. He presses a button on the wall you hadn’t noticed before, and you immediately feel unforgiving, metal bounds harness your limbs to the table. He pulls out a drill, smiles that you are going to be a part of an experiment, then you die with the feeling of a power drill sinking into your eye. THE END Try again??? Click here!! here
You get out of the bed, and notice a very large and painful wound in your abdomen. Reglardless of your pain, you sneak over to the door. You manage to hear the man say “It’s time,” and you hear a power drill turn on. Do you: -Hide and hope you are not found, or -Try to overpower the man -Hide and hope you are not found -Try to overpower the man
You yell as loud as you can, then hurl yourself at the man. Caught by surprise, the man collapses, and you put your foot on his wrist to prevent him from knifing you. Do you: -Kill the man with his blade, or -Let him live and ask him questions. -Kill the man with his blade -Let him live and ask him questions
You watch in horror as the man rips his knife into the woman’s neck. She crumples, and then he turns to you, and demonically grins. “You’re next,” he whispers. THE END Try again??? Click here!!here
You go to the only possible source of cover which is under the bed, but then all of a sudden feel a sharp spike underneath. It cuts your hand badly, and you pop up in pain, and smack your head on the bed, knocking you unconscious. Guess whose legs the man found. THE END Try again??? Click here!!here
The moment the man walks in to the room, you lunge and scream at him. Do you aim at his: Groin, Head, Leg, Chest Groin Head Leg Chest
You quickly kill the man. In an abrasive tone, you ask the woman who that man was. She whispered, “Satan himself.” “You’ve done bad deeds in life and now you’re in hell,” she continued. You have no idea how that worked, but you decided to accept it, and you quickly find your way out. You have successfully escaped hell. YOU WIN Try another way!!!! Click here!!!here
You get off of him, but much too quickly for you to react, he pulls out his knife and stabs it right into you. THE END Try again??? Click here!! here
The man collapses in agony, and you run out of the door, and quickly find an exit. Instead of finding a typical outdoor scene, though, all to the eye’s prevailing is a fiery, mountainous region. And then you remembered it. The murder. The electric chair. And it all made sense. Congratulations on escaping hell. YOU WIN Try another way!!!! Click here!!!here
The man quickly grabs your wrist, and smoothly pierces your eye with the power drill. THE END Try again??? Click here!! here