Spend your money wisely! Make informed choices! Resource 3C – Making informed choices KS4Slide 1 of 5 Hampshire County Council, Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Making an informed choice Buying products is not just about getting good value for money It also means doing your research before spending your money Even a very small expenditure can have disastrous effects if you have not been wise Can you think of some examples? Resource 3C – Making informed choices KS4Slide 2 of 5 Hampshire County Council, Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Examples of unwise purchases Buying a toy that has not been tested properly for a young child– why is this foolish? Buying the wrong type of light bulb for a table lamp – how could this be a mistake? Replacing a broken window with untoughened glass – when would this be unwise? Resource 3C – Making informed choices KS4 Slide 3 of 5 Hampshire County Council, Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Design a spidergram of WHY you think is important to make informed consumer choices Working in a group Resource 3C – Making informed choices KS4 Slide 4 of 5 Hampshire County Council, Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Making an informed choice You can’t get your money back just because you have changed your mind Untested products can cause accidents Trade associations aren’t always there to give support Businesses move around – you may not always get good after sales service Not all businesses behave well or have a good reputation You can’t complain if you were told about faults before you paid Perhaps you could have bought the same product cheaper elsewhere Resource 3C – Making informed choices KS4 Slide 5 of 5 Hampshire County Council, Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum