Magnifying God in Song Part 1 Ephesians 5:17-20
”The Christian Church was born in song.“ -Ralph Martin ”The Christian Church was born in song.“ -Ralph Martin
“We are a singing people. And there is a reason for this. The reality of God and Christ and creation and salvation and heaven and hell are simply too great for mere speaking; they must also be sung. This means that the reality of God and his work is so great that we are not merely to think truly about it, but also feel duly about it. Think truly and feel duly -that is, feel with the kind and depth and intensity of emotion that is appropriate to the reality that is truly known.”
“If we think truly and do not feel duly, at best we render to God half the honor he is due. And if we feel strongly (I do not say ‘duly’ because I think it is impossible to feel duly without thinking truly) - if we feel strongly, but do not think truly, we render to him even less than half the honor he is due.” -John Piper “If we think truly and do not feel duly, at best we render to God half the honor he is due. And if we feel strongly (I do not say ‘duly’ because I think it is impossible to feel duly without thinking truly) - if we feel strongly, but do not think truly, we render to him even less than half the honor he is due.” -John Piper
“Thinker” about God “Feeler” about God “Thinker” about God “Feeler” about God
We can cherish Christ in our minds (our thinking) but that only gives God half the glory We can cherish Christ in our emotions (our feelings) but that only gives God less than half the glory. We can cherish Christ in our minds (our thinking) but that only gives God half the glory We can cherish Christ in our emotions (our feelings) but that only gives God less than half the glory.
Ephesians 5: So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;
Singing is God’s idea and will for His Church. (v. 17)
Ephesians 5:17 So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is
If it is going to happen in the corporate setting it must find it’s beginnings in our lives as individuals.
Singing is God’s idea and will for His Church. (v. 17) Singing is to be an expression of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (v19) Singing is God’s idea and will for His Church. (v. 17) Singing is to be an expression of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (v19)
Ephesians 5: And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;
Singing flows out from our being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Amos 5: “Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps. 24 “But let justice roll down like waters And righteousness like an ever- flowing stream
Galatians 5 “Acts“ of the flesh “Fruit“ of the Spirit “Acts“ of the flesh “Fruit“ of the Spirit
Ephesians 5:18 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,
Question: How Do I get filled with the Holy Spirit?
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Singing is God’s idea and will for His Church. (v. 17) Singing is to be an expression of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (v19) Singing is to be from the heart, (v. 19b) Singing is God’s idea and will for His Church. (v. 17) Singing is to be an expression of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (v19) Singing is to be from the heart, (v. 19b)
Ephesians 6:19b making melody with your heart to the Lord;
Feel it in Your Heart There's a sound in the air Can you hear it everywhere? Voices trying to be heard. Love is more than just another word. Oh, you can turn it up loud As loud as it will go. But it will never make its way to your soul. No no, Until you feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart, your heart You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Oh oh oh There's a sound in the air Can you hear it everywhere? Voices trying to be heard. Love is more than just another word. Oh, you can turn it up loud As loud as it will go. But it will never make its way to your soul. No no, Until you feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart, your heart You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Oh oh oh
Feel it in Your Heart All the world is listening For a sound that is different Clear the static Cut the noise Heaven help us to find our voice Oh, you can turn it up loud as loud as it will go. But it will never make its way to your soul. No no, Until you feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart, your heart You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart All the world is listening For a sound that is different Clear the static Cut the noise Heaven help us to find our voice Oh, you can turn it up loud as loud as it will go. But it will never make its way to your soul. No no, Until you feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart, your heart You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart
Feel it in Your Heart You can say, say all the right things But in the end what does it all mean? Yeah, you can say, say all the right things But in the end what does it mean? You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Oh, oh, oh whoa-oh All the world's listening All the world's listening You can say, say all the right things But in the end what does it all mean? Yeah, you can say, say all the right things But in the end what does it mean? You gotta Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Feel it in your heart Oh, oh, oh whoa-oh All the world's listening All the world's listening
We should be careful not to have an all or nothing approach to singing and gathered worship.
Magnifying God in Song Part 1 Ephesians 5:17-20