Surah Baqarah Lesson #4B Ayahs November 13 th, 2013
RECAP Traits of the hypocrites (ayahs 8-10) They try to deceive the believers They lie Have a disease in their hearts They are not actually believers
Verse 11
Fasaad – literally: when something goes bad; technically: to cause corruption/disorders so things are not normal Ard – applies to earth/area (not literally IN the earth); corruption on the earth is caused by acts of disobedience 1. Physical earth: people lie to each other; famine, pollution etc. 2. Ahlul earth: dwellers of the earth; lying to each other, killing, ruining relationships
Verse 11 Sawlih – to put things right after they’ve been corrupted Hypocrites are unaware of their deeds; they consider their wrong actions to be correct
Verse 12 A word that begins a sentence to: alert the listener exclamation Prove authenticity Hum – mentioned twice for emphasis and for confining only these people
Fasaad (Corruption)
Verse 13 Similar to; the people refers to the sahabas and the Prophet SAW; the hypocrites are calling the sahabas the “foolish ones” An-Naas- refers to the sincere believers – it’s a rhetorical question for the purpose of negation; meaning we’re not going to believe and also to belittle proper imaan
Verse 13 Literally when something in weight and can be blown away easily Technically: a foolish person can be swayed easily; light in their position and determination; WHY did the hypocrites call the believers foolish? Because of the sacrifices the believers made Losing out on the dunya; losing worldly benefits They listened to everything Allah SWT commanded them However, Allah SWT calls the hypocrites the foolish ones
Characteristics of Hypocrites They think they are very high and proud, however, they will be in the lowest depths of hell fire Good manners and understanding of the deen are not present in a hypocrite (Prophet SAW) They are actually foolish because they only look at the temporary benefit and lose out on the hereafter When he speaks, he tells a lie When he makes a promise, he breaks it When he is trusted with something, he breaks the trust Two-faced They make fun of other people, especially the believers
Ayah 14
Laquu – coming face to face with someone; when the hypocrites see the believers they immediately profess their religiosity and say we are believers Khalaw – when they have secluded themselves with their evil ones; in order to take counsel and advice Shaitaan – not only limited to Iblees; also from among the jinns and humans; anyone who is of evil nature; they command evil, incite evil and wrong. Over here it refers to their evil leaders because they command the masses to disobey Allah SWT Hypocrites are lowly and scared all the time because they tell the Muslims they’re with them and when they are with the disbelievers, they say they are with him
Verse 14 (continued…) Istihzaa to make fun of someone upon considering them to be of little importance and value. Laughing at someone because of something they’re doing that doesn’t make sense to you.
Characteristics of Hypocrites Hypocrites are scared to have their own identity and of standing out in the crowd Hypocrites are not sincere to anyone (to others or even to their own group, or to Allah SWT) When they come to their leaders they say “We were just joking, we’re actually with you” Hypocrites make fun of others behind their back
Verse 15
Allah mocks at them – Mushaakila: the word that is used to describe the offence is also used to describe the punishment for the offence Allah SWT has the power to take revenge on them, therefore, Allah SWT is defending the believers
Verse 15 (Continued)… Literally the hypocrites will be mocked at in the Hereafter Madda Yamaddu: extending something Tug’yaaneehim: crossing the bounds of something; the person doesn’t care about the limits Allah SWT lets them do whatever they want to do, doesn’t punish them immediately so they think they’re right Connection with sealing of the hearts
Verse 15 (Continued)… Blindness of the heart; a state of confusion/lost. Their state of being engrossed in wrong deeds “I don’t care” attitude Not caring about any limits The believers, however, do care
Verse 16
To show how far the hypocrites are from the sight of Allah SWT they have purchased misguidance; if you give your money to buy something you’re giving that something more value than your own hard worked money (you don’t mind spending $200/$300 for example) The hypocrites prefer disbelief over belief Preferring doubt over certainty and imaan
Verse 16 (Continued)… Rabaha – to gain some profit This transaction gave them no benefit at all because they were neither on the side of the believers or disbelievers
Homework HYPOCRITES VS BELIEVERS comparison/contrast chart Reflect, share and review the word for word translation Analyze yourself in light of these verses