Gulliver's Travel’s Active Reading Guide. (by Jonathan Swift) Swift shows the extremes of human behavior in his descriptions of the Lilliputians and the Brobdingnagains. First belief……….
FIRST BELIEF……of Lilliputians Swift’s comment on the behavior The size of the heels tells of political regions and their differences. -bitter enemies -not really different from each other People don’t like change We don’t tolerate others who think differently People are petty, foolish, like to argue, selfish and ill-tempered
Second Belief……of Lilliputians Swift’s comment on the behavior.. Lilliputians didn’t believe any thing else existed outside their world They fight wars over little things and not concerned about people’s lives.
Third Belief and behavior of Lilliputians: Swift’s comment on behavior Lilliput and Belfusc at war as to how to break eggs. Rules are ignorant and incompetent ( people who can’t get the job done) people rule us.
BELIEFS and BEHAVIOR of BROBDINGNAGIANS…………… First Belief…. Swift’s comment on the behavior They listened to Gulliver- they considered themselves bigger and better Government could be strong without resorting to force.
Second belief of Brobdingnaginas Swift’s comment of behavior They see political problems as a result of greed, cruelty, madness , envy etc… Warfare is scary, and rather than control people need to live with differences and be governed by the wisest.
Third belief of Brobdingnagians Swift’s comment on behavior Horror is stricken by modern weapons/ they would rather loose their kingdom then fight a war. Gulliver’s views Lillputians’ politics like the way Brobdingnagians view 18th century politics . Gulliver represents the society of his time.
A Satire Using irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, disapproving foolishness. * Use in literature, in a writing style, in which human foolishness is used to ridicule.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4; on the economy
Example 7; The economy and Wall Street.
Example 5
SNL; review videos on U tube Common Core Satire Video Grades Satire
Humorous literature;. we find it through satire, columns, and stories Humorous literature; *we find it through satire, columns, and stories. * Neil Simon wrote plays where comedians poked fun of the stress-filled like of New Yorkers
A Modest Proposal, is a satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical hyperbole mocks heartless attitudes towards the poor, as well as Irish policy in general.
Background info: Dublin - 1729 Swift wanted to bring problems of the Irish to the public’s attention. Ireland blamed their problems on England England owned too much property and taxed the Irish too much to live. England taxed Ireland too heavily The Irish resented England’s negative attitude toward Roman Catholics
Vocabulary: The dog performed several ____________tricks in an attempt to win first place. The __________of his mistake was monumental. It took several police to _________the fugitive. Too much energy is wasted on needless hatred and ________ Animosity Apprehend Magnitude Laudable
Vocabulary Sustenance Deference Expedient Digress conjecture Students’ will _________from the project to listen to music. A good parent will provide nutritious and __________to their child. The report, on possible a terrorists plan, was dismissed as mere ____________. It was an ________taxi driver that got me to the airport quickly. My parents don’t drink, so in _______to their beliefs, I don’t drink when I’m with them. Vocabulary Sustenance Deference Expedient Digress conjecture
The first situation; the Catholic /Protestant Rivalry Swift’s proposal: Eat the poor children to reduce the Catholic Population this will align them with the Pope’s wishes Real Condition: The Protestant church was losing money and influence.
2nd Situation: Landlord/Tenant Dealings Swift’s Proposal They should sell their children as food for profit; a marketable product Real Condition Landlords were gauging (overcharging) tenants.
3rd Situation: Flow of Capital(money) Swift’s proposal: Real Condition: By selling children, more money would be freed up, the rich could enjoy life better and money would stay in Ireland The Irish economy was in poor shape, which meant they had to rely on imports (goods that came into the county)
4th situation: Cost of raising children Swift’s proposal: Real Condition: Eating and selling children would relieve the poor from these expenses Over population among the Catholic poor was a financial hardship
5th situation: Decadent(lots of money no responsibility),over-refined tastes Swift’s proposal: Real Conditions: This new concept of eating babies is a delicacy, challenges chefs, taverns can profit. The poor were starving and the rich indulged themselves.
6th Situation: Having Children out of wedlock Swift’s proposal: Real Condition: Selling and eating children would bring in money and men would seek and protect child bearing wives. Men didn’t want to marry. “breeding” and having large families to support. They would beat pregnant wives to induce miscarriage