Presented by: Ameera N. Al_Deeny Supervised by: Dr. Sami Breem
The author Summary of the story Setting Point of view Characters Theme Conflict Climax Symbolism
James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most popular writers in the early 20th century. Famous Works: Chamber Music (poems) Exiles (play) Ulysses (novel) Dubliners (short story collection),publication in1914
A young, nameless boy falls head over heels for Mangan's sister, whom is also nameless. However, he has never spoken to her, yet is deeply infatuated with her. He finally speaks to her and they talk about the Araby bazaar. She said she couldn't go, so the boy takes it upon himself to go to that bazaar and bring back something for her. The boy goes to the bazaar, which is nothing but a hall and exhibits. Eventually, the boy realizes that he was foolish in going so far for this girl.
Time: At the turn of the twentieth century. Place: North Richmond Street in the central part of Dublin city.
It’s first person narrator that an adolescent boy who doesn’t identify himself narrates the story. To readers who are familiar with James Joyce’s life and works, it becomes clear that the boy represents the author.
Major: The boy who narrates the story is the central character. Minor: Mangan: narrator’s friend. Mangan’s sister: girl to whom the narrator is attracted. Narrator’s uncle and aunt, Mrs. Mercer, school master, stall attendant, Dubliners as; laborers, boys, pedestrians.
“Araby” touches on a great number of themes: Coming of age. The loss of innocence. Isolation. The Catholic Church's influence. The dangers of idealization.
Internal: Lustful feelings toward Mangan girl; feelings that his religion tells him he must control. “All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and feeling that I was about to slip from them, I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: `O love! O love!' many times.“ External: Environmental forces including; economic, social, cultural conditions arising from British dominance of Ireland.
The climax occurs when the narrator, disillusioned by what he finds at the bazaar, realizes that life in Dublin is humdrum and that the Mangan girl probably has no romantic interest in him. Belief that she was attracted to him was a result of his vanity.
Araby ; the beauty, mystery, and romance that the boy longs for in his life. Priest ; religious symbol. Blind street symbolizes dead_ ends in the story or in the real life (It suggests pessimism). Brown, imperturbable, descent ; Joyce uses these words to draw attention to the dreariness and plainness of Dublin.
Empty house; Joyce mentions it perhaps to suggest an empty future awaiting the boys playing on the street. Other symbols are; Ashpits, Café Chantant, Florin(British coin)…etc.
Childhood experiences can help people grow up in their thoughts and feelings. And when they become adults, they look back at childhood as being filled with foolish childish behavior only. However, grownups learn by life to adjust with the reality. i.e. to keep the right thoughts and replace the other ones.