present Perfect
O “Present Perfect” refere-se a “ações recentes” ou a “ações passadas sem tempo definido”. The professor has just answered her question. We have just allowed the kids to go shopping. I have just forgotten my login details! How can I retrieve them? Ações passadas sem tempo definido They have adopted that girl as their daughter. He has tried to kill himself with a mixture of alcohol and pills. We have gone too far and we do not know how to stop.
Estrutura To have + Verbo Principal no Particípio Normal form Contracted form I have tried You have done He has gone She has prepared It has worked We have heard You have planned They have felt I‘ve tried You’ve done He’s gone She’s prepared It’s worked We’ve heard You’ve planned They’ve felt
Para indicar uma ação passada sem tempo definido. She has left without letting me know. They have changed the password, out of the blue. He has been accused of being a double agent! She left without a trace yesterday . You changed everything last night . He went to Paris two days ago . mas
Para expressar uma ação que tem se repetido recentemente. many times several times more than twice more than three times She has insisted
O "Present Perfect" também é usado quando uma ação que iniciou no passado se prolonga até o momento presente. Exemplos: John has run the company since 2005. They have imported computer parts for four years .
Advérbios usados com o “Present perfect”. Already Yet Just Never Ever Lately Recently So far Up to now
Significa "já" e aparece nas formas afirmativa e interrogativa. Already Significa "já" e aparece nas formas afirmativa e interrogativa. Exemplos: He has already reported the events. They have already packed their clothes. Affirmative form Has he already sent that item? Have they already picked the students? Interrogative form
Yet Significa "ainda" e "já" e aparece nas formas interrogativa e negativa. Exemplos: He hasn’t changed many things in the project yet. ( ainda ) Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles? I haven't read the book yet. ( ainda ) Has he written the article yet ? ( já ) Have they gone there yet ? ( já )
Just Significa "exatamente, precisamente ou acabar de" e aparece entre o verbo "to have" e o “verbo principal no particípio” . (O advérbio "just" indica que a ação aconteceu recentemente) Exemplos: He has just gone with that Scientific stuff. He has just accepted a scholarship to study at Yale.
Never Significa "nunca" e aparece entre o verbo "to have" e o “verbo principal” no particípio . Exemplos: She has never had plastic surgery . They're seeing species they have never seen before.
Ever Significa "alguma vez" e aparece entre “o sujeito” e o “verbo principal” no particípio. Exemplos: Have you ever thought about getting married? Have they ever felt scared in the night or had a nightmare?
Lately/Recently Significam "ultimamente" e “recentemente” e aparecem no “final da frase ou ideia”. Exemplos: He hasn’t noticed anything significant lately . They have gone to London lately . John hasn't talked about Legal Practice recently . Ask them how many books they have read recently .
So far/Up to now Significam “até aqui” ou “até agora” e geralmente aparecem no “final da frase ou ideia”. Exemplos: The story we wanted to tell hasn't been told so far. She hasn't agreed so far to be interviewed by The NYT. His personality has inspired thousands of teenagers up to now. We feel we've had a pretty good year up to now.
Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect tense: 1. I___________ that sugar is poisonous to health. (to read) 2.Unicef says kids ____________under illegal conditions.(to work) 3.The president___________to China to inaugurate a seminar of the G20. (to travel) 4.Those people _______ just________ to embrace the cause. (to decide) 5.Hillary _________ turn her reputation as a champion of women's rights. (to try) have read have worked has traveled have decided has tried
In the following sentences, supply either the past tense or the present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1.I keep trying new ideas but none _____________ so far. (to work) 2.Her boss_____to New York city last night. (to go) 3.The members of the board _________ the report several times. (to read) 4.I ____ Jennifer when I was in Seattle in 2005. (to meet) 5.The first lady ____ never _______ her husband's very public affair. (to handle) 6. Samantha _____ just_________ an offer of employment with the Holiday Inn in L.A. (to accept) 7. Daniel ______ charges of prejudice last month.(to deny) 8. If you ___________there yet, you have to go. (to go - negative) have worked went have read met has handled has accepted denied haven’t gone
9.I _______to George a few days ago. (to talk) 10.Molly____ never_____in a situation like this before. (to be) 11.______ you ever______ the rain? (to see) 12.They ________to Paris last winter. (to travel) 13.We_____that movie last year. (to see) 14.They______________no updates concerning the weather up to now. (to receive) 15. ______ you already ____ your soulmate/true love and not realised it? (to meet) 16. The researcher________________what to do with the sample yet. (to decide - negative) 17. She _____without a trace yesterday. (to leave) 18. They _______about the agreement signed a few hours ago. (to lie) talked has been Have seen traveled saw have received Have met has not decided left lied
(UNESP - SP) - Check the right alternative according to the use of the“Present Perfect”: a) I live here since 1970. b) I have lived here since 1970. c) I am living here since 1970. d) I will live here since 1970. e) I would live here since 1970. Test 1
(PUCCAMP – SP) - Assinale a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada. Sandy: Hi, Jack. Jack: Hi, Sandy. Sandy: Gosh! I _____________ you for ages! Jack: That's true. I_______ from a trip to Japan just yesterday. a) saw - am returning; b) saw - returned; c) have seen - have returned; d) haven't seen - returned; e) haven't seen - have returned. Test 2
(ITA – SP) - Assinale a altemativa que completa a frase corretamente: He _________ them yesterday although he _______ very busy lately. a) rings, was; b) rang, was; c) rang, has been; d) has rung, has been; e) none of these. Test 3
(UEM – PR) - Check the right alternative; I___________him many years ago. We________good friends since then. a) met; were b) met; have been c) have met; have been d) have met; were e) met; are Test 4
(UEPG) - My friend__________her grandparents since Christmas. a) saw b) hasn’t seen c) doesn’t seen d) haven’t seen e) were seen Test 5
(UEL – PR) - Choose the right alternative. – Sue must be very rich. – Yes, she _________ since she was 19. a) has make a lot of money. b) has made a lot of money. c) has been make a lot of money. d) hasn’t make much money. e) hasn’t been made much money. Test 6
Test 7 (PUC - PR) - Find the correct use of the Present Perfect Tense: 1) I've answered all the questions. 2) He has stayed in that position for half an hour. 3) Jane's writen a book. 4) The writer has written a new book last year. 5) Lice has been a problem to mankind for years. 6) Some thieves have robbed the bank a week ago. 7) My men have slept for five hours. Choose the right alternative: a) 1 - 2 - 5 - 7 b) 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 c) 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 d) 2 - 3 - 7 e) 1 - 2 Test 7
(UFRGS) - Complete a frase a seguir com a forma verbal mais adequada para cada lacuna: The kids ............. in love with the Tamagotchi when they first ............. it, but they ............. with it lately. a) fell - saw - have not played b) fall - see - did not play c) fell - see - did not play d) have fallen - seen - do not play e) fall - saw - have not played Test 8
(UERJ -RJ) - '"The large scale entrance of women into the professions since the 1960s has posed many ideological and aesthetic challenges: “Many of the basic principles associated with exclusively male executive office subcultures, have endured.” The temporal reference expressed by the verb forms "has posed and have endured" is best analyzed as. a) situations beginning at a prior point continuing into the present. b) actions occurring at a specified prior time with current relevance. c) actions completed in the past prior to other past points in time. d) situations developed over a prior time period and now completed. Test 9
(Mackenzie) - The verb forms that correctly fill in blanks I, II and III in the text are: "This is the best thing that _ ( I ) _ to me in a long time. It _ ( II ) _ beautifully. I can read again. It __ ( III ) _ my complete outlook." Wanda Coupe Carlsbad, NM a) has happened - works - has changed b) is happening - does work - has been changed c) had happened - worked - will be changing d) happened - is working - hasn't changed e) will happen - has been working - changed Test 10