Elements of the Traditional Epic & the Epic Hero The Odyssey by Homer PowerPoint by Erin Salona
The Traditional Epic The Epic Hero is superhuman--braver and stronger than ordinary people There is some all-knowing or wise person who helps the protagonist The story starts in the middle of the action in medias res and earlier events are introduced later on
The Traditional Epic The setting is vast in scope- sometimes worldwide and even beyond The hero is on a quest for something of great value to him or his people The action of the epic involves heroic deeds and battle, often including a long journey or war
The Traditional Epic The villains that try to keep the hero from his quest are uglier, more evil, and more cunning than anything in ordinary life The gods or other supernatural beings take an active role in the story
The Epic Hero
The Epic Hero Great Stature- Larger than Life Possesses the character traits most valued by society (i.e. determination, courage, wit, wisdom)
The Epic Hero Pursues his goal in the face of many setbacks Has human traits and failings that make him seem like a real person (i.e. too curious, foolish, tricky)