ELD 3 9/28
Journal Topic Write about one of easiest decisions you have made in your life. Write a least one paragraph. You will have 10 minutes. We will share afterwards
Focus Lesson Reading Comprehension- Test Taking Strategies Lesson 1 1. Test Taking Strategy #1 Read the questions carefully circling the key words. Make sure you know what the question is asking!!!! Test Taking Strategy #2 Begin with the title, read the passage throughly at least two times. Make a mental picture of what is being read.
Focus Lessons Cont. Test Taking Strategy #3 Read the first question and return to the passage and identify the answer or clues that support the possible answer. Test Taking Strategy #4 Return to the question and eliminate the wrong answer. Test Taking Strategy #5 Buble the correct answer. Test Taking Strategy #6 Repeat steps three through five for the remainder of the questions.
Now lets try them
Objective Students will review their academic vocabulary. Students will learn what a folk tale is and will be able to recognize the characteristics. Standards: 3.1 Analyze characteristics of subgenres (e.g., satire, parody, allegory, pastoral) that are used in poetry, prose, plays, novels, short stories, essays, and other basic genres.
Vocabulary Confident Shock Convince Tragedy Doubt Worthless Foolish Nerves
Folk Tale A folk tale is a simple story that has been shared and told to many people over the years. Folk tales usually reflect the culture they came from. Nasruddin Hodja is a popular character in Middle Eastern tales. Sometimes he is a fool, but sometimes he is wise. He is known by different names throughout the Middle East.
Characteristics of a Folk Tale 1. Folk Tales begin with “Once upon a time”, “Long, long ago”, etc. 2. Three characters, 3 tasks, and 3 events appear in Folk Tales. 3. Folk Tales have good and bad characters. 4. Everyday people and/or animals are the characters in Folk Tales. 5. The good characters in Folk Tales have a problem to solve. 6. Phrases are repeated in Folk Tales. For example: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…”. 7.Folk Tales have happy endings
One in a Million a Middle Eastern Folk Tale 1. What kind of character is easy to convince or trick? (think back to The Open Window) 2 . What kind of character do you think Hodja might be? 3. Do the people here use cars? Do they buy and sell things as we do? What kind of character was Hodja? How could you tell?
Analyze One in a Million 1. Explain Why does Hodja spend so much money to buy the donkey? 2. Vocabulary How does the donkey’s new owner convince people that the animal is valuable? 3. Analyze Literature: Folk Tale- Provide two details you learned about Middle Eastern culture from this folk tale.
Homework for the week. Grammar- Fragments Fragments- an incomplete sentence
Summary In your own words tell me what is a folk tale and what are the characteristics of it? Remember each sentence starts with a capital and ends with a punctuation mark. (., ?, !) I do not want to see any fragments.