1© 2009 IBM Corporation The Epistle of James Practical Christian Living Christ Baptist Church Fall 2014 James 4:13-17
2 Side-Stepping God How do you define the “Will of God?” Describe some ways you have seen other Christians discern God’s will? How do you go about determining God’s will for your life? Why? The Epistle of James 4: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done” Matt 6:10
3 Side-Stepping God James 4: Why don’t we need to be afraid of the will of God? 2.Why is it foolish to ignore the will of God? 3.What is the difference between wasting, spending, or investing our lives? – Personal Question – Personal Question: How would you rate yourself in these areas? The Epistle of James 4: Parable of the rich farmer Luke 12:16-21
4 Side-Stepping God James 4:17 - Disobeying God’s Will 4.Why do you think someone who knew the will of God would deliberately disobey it? – What happens when a Christians when deliberately disobey the know will of God? According to James, what lies behind the reasoning that excludes God and His will? The Epistle of James 4: Consequences 2 Peter 2:21 Luke 12:47-48 Discipline Endured Heb 12:5-11 The Prize 1 Cor 9:24-27
5 Side-Stepping God James 4:15 - Obeying God’s Will 5. How detailed do you think the will of God is for you? – How can you get to know more of it? 6.How is God’s will like a living body? 7.What precondition is there to know God’s will? The Epistle of James 4: Paul refers to God’s Will Rom 1:10 Rom15:32 1 Cor 4:19 1 Cor16:7 Designed for us 2 Cor 8:5 1 Thes 4:3 1 Thes 5:16-18 Know his will Acts 22:14
6 Side-Stepping God The Epistle of James 4: What does it mean to “prove” God’s will? 9.What does Dr. Wiersbe say is the secret to happy life? 10.What are the benefits of doing the will of God? – How can you better seek them in your own life? Mark 3:35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”
7 Side-Stepping God Obedience - If you are willing to obey he is willing to reveal Obey not some, but all God’s will (Col 1:9) Obedience - If you are willing to obey he is willing to reveal Obey not some, but all God’s will (Col 1:9) Know God’s Will (Acts 22:14, John 7:17) Know God’s Will (Acts 22:14, John 7:17) The why in addition to the what (John 15:15, Ps 103:7) Understand God’s Will (Eph 5:17) Working at it, the more we obey the more we discover God Start with what you ought to do Working at it, the more we obey the more we discover God Start with what you ought to do Prove God’s Will (Rom 12:2) Prove God’s Will (Rom 12:2) From the heart – delight in duty (Jonah 4) We miss his blessing if we do it grudgingly From the heart – delight in duty (Jonah 4) We miss his blessing if we do it grudgingly Do God’s will (Eph 6:6) Do God’s will (Eph 6:6) The Epistle of James 4: Obeying God’s Will Be Mature, Warren Wiersbe pg144
8 Side-Stepping God Going Deeper Luke 12:13-21 – What does this parable teach you about priorities? Proverbs 27:1 – Why is it foolish to presume on the future? Isaiah 46:9-10 – What does this passage say about God and the future? The Epistle of James 4:1 - 12
9 Side-Stepping God Challenges: What are some things that you know are clearly the will of God? Ponder your approach to a typical day. How much does God and His will figure into your plans? Is His kingdom and His righteousness foremost in your thoughts? The Epistle of James 4: How can you become more focused on knowing and doing the will of God?