Should I confront* others? And if so, how should I confront* them? *correct, admonish, give advice to, etc.
Should I confront* others? Yes. Sometimes. (Because that’s how we “do love.”) And if so, how should I confront* them? The right way. (Because that’s how we “do love.”) *correct, admonish, give advice to, etc.
Should I confront others? Yes. Sometimes. Yes: - First confront your own sin and then confront their sin (Jesus, Matthew 7:1-5) - If someone sins against you, go and show him his fault (Jesus, Matthew 18:15) - Admonish one another (Colossians 3:16)
Should I confront others? Yes. Sometimes. Yes: - Matthew 18:15 - Galatians 6:1 - Matthew 7:1-5 No: - Above all, love each other deeply, for love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)
Should I confront others? Yes. Sometimes. Deciding whether to confront someone or not is always a judgment call.
Should I confront others? Yes. Sometimes. Deciding whether to confront someone or not is always a judgment call. In a world where we sometimes should and sometimes shouldn’t confront, the best thing we can do is pause, pray, and ask the question, “Should I confront or not?”
If so, how should I confront people? If the person you are confronting is WISE, they will generally accept your correction even if you don’t do it perfectly. If the person you are confronting is FOOLISH, no matter how perfectly you confront them, they won’t accept it. Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you (Proverbs 9:8) Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words (Proverbs 23:9)
How should I confront people? 1)Our “success” in confronting largely depends on whether the other person is wise or foolish. 2) Speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him, who is the Head, that is, Christ. Instead of letting each other always keep falling into sin, we should speak the truth in love which will help us become more like Christ.
How should I confront people? 1)Ask yourself, “Are they a wise person or are they a fool?” 2)Speak the truth in love. -Ask yourself, “How would I want to be confronted?” -Be sensitive to the situation. -Use kind words and an appropriate volume and tone of voice.
Should I confront others? Since it’s always a judgment call as to whether or not you should confront someone, pause, pray, and ask the question: Should I confront them? How should I confront others? If they are wise they’ll generally accept it; if they are a fool, they generally won’t. -Ask yourself, “How would I want to be confronted?” -Be sensitive to the situation. -Use kind words and an appropriate volume and tone of voice.
Should I confront others? 1)Am I a confronter or an avoider? 2)Do I generally pause and pray before I confront? 3)Am I generally a wise person (who accepts correction) or a fool (who deflects correction)? 4)When I confront do I… -ask myself, “How would I want to be confronted?” -try to be sensitive to the situation? -I try to use kind words and an appropriate volume and tone of voice?
A prayer: For courage to confront. For trust to let it go. For humility to accept correction.