Let’s build some background. Watch the following movie clip with me to get a basic idea of what this story is about. Our 45 page graphic novel is based off a poem that is over 700 pages long... Yep! It’s had some stuff taken out!!! Therefore, it is best to understand a little bit before we go into it.
Let’s build some background Open the Trojan Horse on my webpage. Read this page and then click to “Read next page” Be able to answer the question: Did the war really happen? Tap the link that says “Legend” Tap the red word that says “Bios” Research the name you are assigned. Be ready to tell your classmates 4 things about your character.
“A Rotten Apple” (6-12) 1.What were the three goddesses arguing about that actually started the 10 year war? 2.What prophecy was made about Paris that we learn about in the flashback? 3.The three goddesses all try to bribe Paris, but what bribe or offer does he find the most appealing? 4.Look at the title of this section and consider the object that is offered to Paris. What is ironic (or unexpected) about the name of this section when you think about the name of the object?
“The Weary War” (13 – 22) 5.What complication does Paris learn of after he sees the beautiful Helen? 6.Cassandra shares a prophecy. What is it and how do the Trojans react to it? 7.How do both prophecies (including the one about Paris) end up coming true in this section? 8.What reason does Sinon offer for the presence of the horse?
“A Woeful Wrong” (23-27) 9.What do the Trojans believe to be the purpose of the violent serpents? How does it affect their reaction toward the strange gift that has appeared?
“The Sleeping City” (28-37) 10.How do the Trojans treat the presence of the gift horse in their kingdom? How is Cassandra’s reaction to the gift different than the rest of the kingdom? 11.Why are the Greeks able to enter the once carefully guarded city so easily? 12.We learn the true purpose of the gift horse. What is its real function?
“The Towers Tumble” (38- 45) 13.Write a 2-3 sentence SUMMARY of what happens in this section.
Foolish and Wise Let’s be honest... There were a lot of really foolish actions, words, and ideas that led to all of this trouble. Make a the following T-chart on a piece of paper. THIS WILL BE GRADED!! List as much FOOLISHNESS as you can see (at least 9 entries). List as much WISDOM as you can see (at least 4 entries). FOOLISHNESS WISDOM
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