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Presentation transcript:


2. redheaded male pelirrojo

pelirroja redheaded female 3.

moreno dark-skinned/ dark-haired (male) 4.

morena dark-skinned or dark-haired female 5.

rubio blonde male 6.

rubia Blonde female 7.

intelectual Intellectual 8.

inteligente intelligent 9.

bajo short male 10.

baja 11. short female

romántico 12. romantic male

romántica 13. romantic female

alto 14. tall male

alta 15. tall female

atlético 16. athletic male

17. athletic female atlética

activo active male 18.

activa active female 19.

tímido timid/ shy male 20.

21. tímida timid/ shy female

gracioso/cómico funny male 22.

graciosa/ cómica funny female 23.

guapo handsome 24.

bonita 25. pretty

perezoso Lazy male 26.

perezosa Lazy female 27.

estar aburrido To be bored (male) 28.

estar aburrida to be bored (female) 29.

antipático unfriendly male 30.

antipática unfriendly female 31.

extrovertido outgoing male 32.

extrovertida outgoing female 33.

simpático friendly male 34.

simpática friendly female 35.

Hard-working female 36. trabajadora

Hard-working male 37. trabajador

tonto silly, foolish male 38.

tonta silly, foolish female 39.