Social Work Reform: Progress, opportunities and challenges Lyn Romeo – Chief Social Worker for Adults
Visibility and Impact People & relationships Adaptive innovation Inter-cultural challenge David & Goliath The story
Return to the knitting It’s all about people Values & Attributes Confidence & Making a difference Core practice Many pitches
Social Work Reform: Progress, opportunities and challenges Isabelle Trowler – Chief Social Worker for Children and Families
It’s all in the balance Innovation in action Proof and plausibility Freedom and flexibilities Foolish consistency: the hobgoblin of the tiny mind Strength in effectiveness
The push and pull of politics Influence & ideas Practice leadership Holding our nerve Principles: social strength & solutions; autonomy & responsibility; clarification & complexity
Social Work Reform: Progress, opportunities and challenges Annie Hudson – Chief Executive, The College of Social Work
Narratives for change Who is social work? Contest + congruence Recasting professional identities Building social work’s ‘cultural capital’ The ‘sound’ of professional voices The role of a professional College
The head and heart of the work Agency, authority + evidence literacy ‘Clouded thinking’: rigour and risk Wicked issues + adaptive practice Resilience + courage (+ CPD) Systems leadership for 1 st class practice