DAY EIGHT: AGENDA Bell Ringer Grammar Review Persuasive Techniques Video Clips (Mayella, Tom) Exit Slip Homework: Ch
BELL RINGER #8 (A) 4/29 & (B) 5/2 What are you favorite commercials and why? How do these products persuade you to buy something? How is it successful?
WORD WORK #8 volition (n.): will. Scout is saying that someone like Tom would never go into somebody's yard on his own or unless he had been invited to do so, and would never do so of his own will or volition. impudent (adj.): disrespectful; bold; sassy expunge (vb.): remove completely perpetrated (vb.): committed temerity (n.): foolish or rash boldness Provide an antonym for each of the following words: 1.volition 2.impudent 3.expunge 4.perpetrated 5.temerity
Persuasive Appeals Logos (Logical) Ethos (Ethical) Pathos (Emotional) facts statistics reasons relationships of cause and effect right and wrong trustworthiness credibility expert speaker fear pity/sympathy humor sadness happiness
PERSUASIVE WRITING ASSIGNMENT (FOR WRITING FOLDER) Decide on something you want to persuade someone to do, like: Persuade Dr. Peoples to let you use cell phones in school. Persuade your parents or friends to lend you money. Persuade your parents to let you go on a trip. Then, write a five paragraph letter using the three persuasive techniques to convince the person of your opinion...
WRITING ASSIGNMENT Dear _____, Paragraph 1: Intro. (Make sure you have a hook and you explain your PURPOSE for writing) Paragraph 2: Persuade using Ethos (ethics and authority) Paragraph 3: Persuade using Pathos (emotion) Paragraph 4: Persuade using Logos (logic) Paragraph 5: Conclusion (Make sure you summarize your points and re-state your main idea) Sincerely, _____
Paragraphs: (10 points each) How do I score a 4? Introduction Do you engage your audience and capture his/her attention in your introduction? Do you state your purpose? Body Paragraph 1 (Ethical) You use ethics and/or an authority figure to support your argument. Body Paragraph 2 (Emotional) You appeal to your audience’s emotions to support your argument. Body Paragraph 3 (Logical) You appeal to your audience’s sense of reason by providing clear support for your argument. Conclusion You re-state your main idea and summarize your points.
BRAINSTORMING/PLANNING: Introduction Who is my audience? What is the purpose of my letter? How will I capture or “hook” the attention of my audience in my opening? Body Paragraph 1 (Ethical) How will I ethically appeal to my audience? What authority figure can I use as support? Why should my audience trust my ethical appeal? Body Paragraph 2 (Emotional) How will I appeal to my audience’s emotions? Why should my audience trust my emotional appeal? Body Paragraph 3 (Logical) How will I appeal to my audience’s sense of reason? What evidence can I use to support my argument? Why should my audience trust my logical appeal? Conclusion What is my purpose? What do I want to remind my audience about in my closing paragraph?