Sophomore Course Selection
Graduation Requirements English: 4 credits Math: 3 credits Science: 3 credits Social Studies: 3 credits PE: 1.5 credits.5 credit Health taken in 10 th or 11 th grade or Indep. Liv.-Your Health taken in 12 th grade 24 credits total required
Four-Year College Requirements English: 4 credits Math: 3 credits: Alg. I, Geom., Alg. II Science: 3 credits Social Studies: 3 credits
Global Language Not required to graduate 2 years (2 levels) of the same language required for admission to some colleges (UW-Madison and UW-Eau Claire) College graduation requirement may be met in high school Retroactive credits
Course Selections The Course Description Handbook can be found on the DAHS webpage.
English English 10
Math Found- ations for Alg. Alg. I Geom- etry Alg. II Pre- Calculus AP Stats AP Calc AB AP Calc BC
Science Biology (Chemistry or Chem. Honors for students who took Biology in 9 th grade)
Social Studies United States History or AP US History
Health Students must take either:.5 credit Health in 10 th or 11 th grade –or—.5 credit Independent Living-Your Health in 12 th grade
Physical Education 1 more credit of PE must be taken over the next three years (most students take one PE class in 10 th grade and one in 11 th grade) -Team Games -Lifetime Activities -Individual Activities -Weight Training or Specialized Weight Training
Other Electives Foreign Language Art/Music Business Marketing Family Consumer Ed (includes Intro to Medical Occupations) Tech Ed Agriculture
New Classes Music in Film AP Environmental Science (offered through e-school; online/independent class) Project Lead The Way classes
New Program Project Lead The Way: PLTW is a program that applies engineering, science, math, and technology through a project-based, hands-on approach to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real-world context. Students focus on the process of defining and solving a problem, not on getting the “right” answer.
PLTW Courses available through PLTW (listed under Tech. Ed.): Intro to Engineering & Design (IED) Principles of Engineering (POE) (1 credit science elective) Digital Electronics (DE) Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) (1 credit math elective) (All classes are year-long)
Credit Requirement All students must enroll in 7 credits (7.5 if you choose Jazz Ensemble or Vocal Jazz, which meet during study hall).
IMPORTANT See your counselor if you’d like help in selecting your classes for next year. You may input your course selections into Skyward online starting Jan. 16, or you’ll have the opportunity to enter them in study hall on Jan. 28 & Feb. 2. You must turn in your course selection sheet at that time.
Instructions will be posted on the school’s website. You will need your own Skyward login information (not your parents’). See Mrs. Orcholski in Guidance if you need your login information. Please make sure to turn your course selection sheet in to your study hall teacher at the time your study hall inputs their choices.