Welcome back for the school year
RHS Counseling Staff Counselors are located in the main office. They are available for drop in appointments before school, lunch time and after school. If you would like a more in depth appointment please sign up on your counselors clipboards located in the counseling hallway. Ms. Banke, students with last names (A-F). Purple clipboard Mr. Rodda, students with last names (G-O). Yellow clipboard Mrs. Moreira, students with last names (P-Z). Blue clipboard
Road Map to Success How to be successful in high school
Keeping up with all my homework: Every student should use an agenda, regardless of grade level! How do I use an agenda and what do I use it for? 1. Write down homework assignments every period, (every subject), everyday 2. Write “None” if you have no homework assignments 3. Write down due dates for assignments and projects 4. Write down test and quiz dates. Study accordingly
Benefits of tutorial Tutorial is a 40 minute block of time built into your schedule Designed for students to work on homework, make up tests and work with teachers to get additional help Use this time wisely!
RHS Graduation Requirements English40 Math30 (Math 1 and Math 2) Science 20 (1 life and 1 physical) Social Studies30 Art/Foreign Language20 P.E.20 Electives70 Total Credits Required 230
Other Graduation Requirements All students must pass the California High School Exit Exam and all subject requirements to receive a high school diploma. There are two parts, Math and English Can pass each part separately (score of 350) All students must pass this exam and all courses required for graduation to earn a diploma The first opportunity to take CAHSEE is in February of 10 th grade year
Universities- UC and CSU Entrance Requirements - a -g Requirements. History 2 years English 4 years Math 3 years Laboratory Science 2 years Foreign Language 2 years Visual & Performing Arts 1 year Elective 1 year ***Must complete these courses with C’s or higher BOTH semesters*** Grade Point Averages - General Rule:The lower the GPA, the higher the scores must be: -UC: Minimum GPA 3.0 -CSU: Minimum GPA 2. 0 These are minimum requirements. To be more competitive consider taking additional courses. Check the website for RHS/UC certified course list.
a-g college entrance requirements “C” or better both semesters are required for course to count ---Integrated science and Econ/Econ AP meet “g” elective--- “a-g”9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th a. History/ Social Science (2 years) World Civilization AP European History U.S. History AP United States History American Gov/Econ AP Government/AP Macroeconomics b. English (4 years) English 9CP English 9H English 10CP English 10H English 11CP AP English Language and Composition English 12CP AP English Literature and Composition c. Math (3 years) Math 1 Math 2 Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus* Calculus AP* Statistics/Stats AP* d. Science (2 years lab Science 1 life / 1 phys Integrated Science Biology Honors Chemistry/H Lab Science* Year 1 Year 2 Year 3* Year 4* f. Visual/ Performing Art (same course) 1 year required from the approved a-g course list g. College Prep Elective 1 year required from the approved a-g course list (* = Recommended) CP = College Prep H=Honors AP= Adv. Placement Biology/ Bio H Chemistry / Chemistry H e. Lang. other than English-2 Year 4* Year AP*
How Do I Calculate My GPA? GPA = Grade Point Average Why is my GPA important? Minimum 2.0 GPA required to play sports, to participate in extra curricular activities, and to get a work permit A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points The sum of your grades, divided by the number of classes = GPA
9 th grade suggested courses and activities Take challenging courses (including honors classes) that satisfy a-g requirements including a college prep English, math, science and a language other than English Aim for A’s and B’s in all of your classes. Focus on your class work and homework to develop study skills you will need to succeed in college Join clubs, play sports and volunteer. Keep a time log of hours for college applications
10 th grade suggested courses and activities Take English, math, science, history and a language other than English. Consider taking honors level courses if appropriate Try to earn A and B grades in all of your classes. Studying hard in high school will help prepare you for college coursework Focus on your class work and your homework to develop the study skills you will need to succeed in college Sign up for and take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) offered in October. This test will help you gage your strengths and weaknesses
11 th grade suggested courses and activities Take English, math, science, history and language other than English. Take honors and AP level courses if appropriate Meet with counselor to make sure you are on track and taking the college preparatory courses to meet a-g college admissions Visit college campuses. Take a tour and listen to presentations about academic programs, admission requirements and financial aid. Bring a copy of your high school transcript Maintain A and B grades. This is especially important during the junior year In October take the PSAT. Use the results to see where you are strong and where you need to improve to be ready for college Spring semester register to take SAT and/or ACT Take the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP)
12 th grade suggested courses and activities Take English, math, science, history and language other than English. Continue taking honors and AP courses if appropriate Review class schedule with counselor to ensure you are meeting all of your a-g requirements September: Register to take SAT or ACT. Last date to test for seniors is month of December October 1 through November 30 th : Apply to CSU campuses November 1 st through November 30 th : Apply to UC campuses Private and/or out of state application timelines vary please check with each campus individually
12 th grade continued January 1 st through March 2nd: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (2 steps) - Cal Grant GPA information release form - FAFSA completed online at May: Take AP exams for any Advanced Placement courses student is enrolled in Summer: Take part in summer orientation programs for incoming college freshman. Obtain academic advising
NCAA Eligibility Center Any students interested in playing a Division I or II sport in college needs to register with the Eligibility Center at the beginning of their junior year. Register at Students should have their SAT and/or ACT scores sent to the Eligibility Center For additional information visit the NCAA Eligibility Center Web site at:
Family Connection from Naviance Family Connection from Naviance is a school wide computer based program to determine the best path to college and career All grade levels will be able to research colleges, scholarships, careers, enrichment programs and courses all in one location Seniors will use family connection: Request transcripts for colleges, scholarships and NCAA Will link with common app when applying to private colleges
College and Career Center Melissa Vallejo-College and Career Center Tech Open: Monday-Friday 9:30am-4:00pm in room A129 We will provide up to date testing dates and application deadlines, scholarships, as well as expanding student's knowledge of various careers and the schools that will help meet those dreams. We will hold workshops and guest speakers to give further insight to help make those dreams a reality