AWED: The Sophomore Project “ Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.” –Pauline Kezer
What does AWED stand for? Another Way to Educate and Demonstrate
What are the four main parts of the project? Complete a research paper on a chosen topic. Complete a multi- genre product with 3 parts. Give a presentation to your peers. Come to school at night on May 8th to showcase your work!
What kind of topic can you choose for this project? When is your topic choice due? You can choose an educationally appropriate topic related to a class for which you can find VALID sources on our networked computers. It should be something you are interested in, but are not an expert in right now. Keep in mind that it will be displayed for the community, so it needs to be something that would interest someone besides you. Your Topic Choice is due on: September 8 th.
What kind of topics are you not allowed to choose? Just an autobiography of a famous person Topics that can’t be researched on our filtered internet Topics that don’t connect to the curriculum of a class Topics that would require you to participate in illegal or immoral activities. Duh.
When is the rough draft of the research paper due? First draft of paper due October 6 (4-6 pages) Final draft of paper due November 7 Both drafts of the paper must be uploaded into
How will you be monitored on managing your time? You will be given pacing requirements (a certain amount of work done by a certain date) and must report on your progress. Rough drafts of 1 st 2 genres: November 5th Progress Check 1 on Visual: November 12th Progress Check 2 on Visual: November 19th Visual Genre due and final drafts of your 3 genres: Your presentation day (December2-5)
What are genres? Different types of writing or activities, such as: poems, short stories, song lyrics, newscasts, brochures, fables, photo essays, cartoons, children’s books, etc.
How many genres do you have to complete? You will have to complete 3 genres on your topic. -Digital: Photo Essay (PPT) -Creative Writing (you choose a genre appropriate to your topic) -Visual (hands-on project)
When are project presentations? Presentations will be given from December 2-5 in class.
How long is your speech? Presentations will be 5-7 minutes in length.
When will you know which day you have to present? Presentation time slots will be randomly drawn on December 1 so students will know which day they are to present.
What is the date of the Showcase? On the night of December 11th, you are required to come to school from 6:30-8:30 for the showcase of all of your work. There will be a program in the auditorium for the top projects to be featured for the crowd and the students.
What time is the Showcase? The Showcase will run from 6:30-8:30, though you will have to be there between 5:40 and 6:00 PM.
What will all students have to create for that night? All students will be decorating a table (booth), displaying all of their genres for everyone to see, making it informative and appealing. There is a contest for the best five booths ($25 Visa gift card for each of the five winners.)
If you don’t upload your paper in, what are the consequences? We won’t read it and you will receive a zero.
What is the penalty if you turn in your research paper late on the day it is due? For the research paper, students must turn it in during their class period on the day it is due. If it is turned in later on during the day, it is ten points off.
What is the penalty if you turn in your research paper late on the day it is due? It can only be turned in one day late and the penalty for turning the paper in one day late is 25 points off.
If you cheat or plagiarize during the paper or project, what is the penalty? Cheating and plagiarism are violations of the honor code and students will receive a zero and will be turned in to the administration if they violate the honor code.
Can you turn in your project late? No. Make sure it is on time on your presentation day.
If you don’t do a project and presentation, can you come to the Showcase? If a student does not complete the research paper and project requirements and does not give a presentation, he or she cannot attend the Sophomore Showcase as a participating student since he or she will have nothing to present. This will result in a zero for that grade.
What do I do first? Determine your topic and turn in your idea. You have until September 24 th to change your mind after your idea is approved.