Are you ready to be a Sophomore? 10 th Grade Pre-Registration Information
The Plan for Today Check transcript for accuracy Complete credit check and 4-year plan IRHS departments will share specific course information Pre-registration forms distributed Online registration is next week (Friday, April 11)- IRHS Computer Labs –English classes – bring materials!
Credit Check Turn CDB to p.67 Enter grades line by line Don’t skip around! This is especially important the more grades you obtain sophomore and junior years If you have an “F” leave the space blank Please remember to make it up in summer school or next year
9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade 1. English 91. English 101. English 111. English Algebra2. Geometry2. Math -2. Government / Economics 3. Biology3. Physics3. Science -3. Math 4. P.E.4. World History4. US/AZ History P.E. /5. 6. Summer prior to 9 th gradeSummer prior to 10 th gradeSummer prior to 11 th gradeSummer prior to 12 th grade AIMS Math – F / A / M / E AIMS Reading – F / A / M / E AIMS Writing – F / A / M / E IRHS Graduation Requirements – 22 Credits (**Identifies additional in-state college requirements) Required Courses 15.5 credits Sem 1 Sem 2 Electives 6.5 credits Sem 1 Sem 2 English 9**Foreign Language I English 10**Foreign Language II English 11 English 12 Math Science World History US/AZ History Gov / Economics Physical Education CTE or **Fine Arts 16 Core Classes for College (GPA) English 9 _____ _____ English 10 _____ _____ English 11 _____ _____ English 12 _____ _____ Math _____ _____ Science _____ _____ Fine Arts _____ _____ Foreign Language _____ _____ Social Studies _____ _____ Unweighted Grades A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0
Classes Needed for Graduation 22 credits are required to graduate! 16.5 required credits 5.5 elective credits You MUST pass a required class to receive credit for it if you have an F, you receive 0 credit!!
9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade 1. English 91. English 101. English 111. English Algebra2. Geometry2. Math -2. Government / Economics 3. Biology3. Physics3. Science -3.Math - 4. P.E.4. World History4. US/AZ History P.E. / ELECTIVE5. PE ELECTIVE6. CTE/JTED6. Summer prior to 9 th gradeSummer prior to 10 th gradeSummer prior to 11 th gradeSummer prior to 12 th grade BIOLOGY-1 Required Courses 16.5 credits Sem 1 Sem 2 Electives 5.5 credits Sem 1 Sem 2 English 9 C **Foreign Language I A English 10**Foreign Language II English 11 Culinary Arts I B English 12 Math B Science World History US/AZ History Gov / Economics Physical Education B CTE or **Fine Arts AIMS Math – F / A / M / E AIMS Reading – F / A / M / E AIMS Writing – F / A / M / E IRHS Graduation Requirements – 22 Credits (**Identifies additional in-state college requirements) 16 Core Classes for College (GPA) English 9 _____ _____ English 10 _____ _____ English 11 _____ _____ English 12 _____ _____ Math _____ _____ Science _____ _____ Fine Arts _____ _____ Foreign Language _____ _____ Social Studies _____ _____ Unweighted Grades A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0
Summer School Amphi Extension Program Held at CDO Make up failed classes Get ahead of the game! Online registrations began March 31st Get more information in the counseling office or on the IRHS website
First Hour Contract / Classes Classes Offered Marching Band Sports Conditioning (Football) Contract is in the Counseling Office Students may not have an open period or use the library as a study hall. Must have 7 classes no 9 th or 10 th grader will be issued a parking permit Attach contract to Pre-Registration form with parent signature
Course Request Sheet Listen to all instructions before NCR form will be passed out Use p.67 of your book FIRST to figure out classes, then carefully print on the NCR form
Volleyball Music Theory PYS _____ MUS 002
Alternate Choices Must have 3 DIFFERENT classes listed as alternates! Be prepared! Choose classes you can live with! Counselors will choose for you if this section is incomplete
Reminders Please read the course description book carefully. You are responsible for all sections Especially pay attention to pages 2-15.
Important Reminders Online registration will be completed at IRHS Friday April 11 th (English classes) * DO NOT BE ABSENT You must bring your completed registration form that includes: Parent signature Teacher’s signatures Transcript and any other supplemental materials (first hour contract, etc.)