Freshman/Sophomore Night Class of 2017/2018
Tonight’s Topics Graduation Requirements Guidmii Community Service Bright Futures Guidance Website Freshman Focus Sophomore Focus Upcoming Events
Graduation Requirements Class of Credits English 4 Credits Mathematics including Algebra I and Geometry 3 Credits Science including Biology 1; 2 credits must have laboratory component 3 Credits Social Studies-World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and Economics w/ Financial Literacy 1 Credit in Fine or Performing Arts.5 Credit in reading 1 Credit HOPE 7.5 Credits electives One virtual course credit Minimum graduation credit requirement is 24
Additional Requirements Students must pass Grade 10 FSA English Language Arts assessment. Students must pass Algebra 1 End of Course Exam. Grade Point Average must be at least 2.0(unweighted State GPA) Two years of JROTC can substitute for HOPE and Performing/Fine Arts
Graduation Requirements Class of Credits English 4 Credits Mathematics including Algebra I and Geometry 3 Credits Science including Biology 1; 2 credits must have laboratory component 3 Credits Social Studies-World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and Economics w/ Financial Literacy 1 Credit in Fine or Performing Arts.5 Credit in reading 1 Credit HOPE 7.5 Credits electives One virtual course credit Minimum graduation credit requirement is 24
Additional Requirements Students must pass Grade 10 FSA English Language Arts assessment. Students must pass Algebra 1 End of Course Exam. Grade Point Average must be at least 2.0(unweighted State GPA) Two years of JROTC can substitute for HOPE and Performing/Fine Arts
Guidmii Track various graduation requirements View GPA’s-District, State, SUS, Bright Futures Review Bright Future Information and Scholarships College admissions information Use your Edsby username and password to log on after registering through MySpot.
Community Service All Community Service MUST be approved by a counselor before any hours are completed. All Community Service MUST be approved by a counselor before any hours are completed. Proposal forms are available on the Guidance website as well as in Guidance. Completed logs MUST be signed by adult supervising activity. Hours log and proposal should be turned into a counselor to be entered into the system.
Bright Futures Registration opens December 1 Three level: Florida Academic Scholar, Florida Medallion Scholars, and Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Minimum 3.5(FAS) or 3.0(FMS) GPA in core classes + 2 years of foreign language Community Service required!- 100 hours for FAS, 75 for FMS, 30-GSV SAT/ACT requirements:FAS-1290 SAT/29ACT; FMS-1170 SAT/26ACT
Guidance Website School Counseling Calendars PSAT/SAT School Day Information Scholarship Information Forms for Students & Parents College Representative Visits Graduation requirements Links to NCAA, Guidmii, SAT/ACT information, Edsby, etc. Community Service
Freshman Focus Time management and study habits. Earning excellent grades. Getting involved-sports, clubs, community service. Utilizing Edsby and Guidmii to keep track of graduation requirements and grades.
Sophomore Focus Continuing to achieve excellent grades. Challenge yourself! Try AP and Honors classes. Continue to get involved in extracurricular activities. Explore career options-ACT Profile, Florida Choices, Big Future are great options. Review PSAT results to understand strengths and weaknesses.
Upcoming Events Non-Profit Fair-November 12 th at 6:30 Great American Teach In-November 20 th AP parent Night-December 3 rd Financial Aid Night-December 9 th