Course Selection for Junior Year
New this year: The FULL Course Description Guide is on our web site: course selection link
COLLEGE PREP TECH PREP/GENERAL English44 Math33 Social Studies44 Science Career Exploration Health & PE22 Electives67 TOTAL23.75 ** This is a change for you!
Four Year Planning Form
Sophomore Status: 6 Credits Junior Status: 12 Credits Senior Status: 18 Credits
1. Review Course Selection Guide 2. Discuss course options and levels with teachers and parents 3. Acquire signatures on Course Selection Sheet February Register on-line!!!!!!
Register on-line through your Power School account See directions with your user name and password Window will be open from February 7 th to the 13 th At home or at school – counselors will also be available during lunch period to help with registration if you have any trouble at home or are unable to log in Forms will be collected on February 14 th
Over-subscribe if you’re not sure (e.g. sign up for 8 credits) Pay attention to prerequisites-classes will be dropped if you have not met the prerequisites Select alternatives for conflicts – especially important this year! We will meet individually to discuss all of your selections – so do your best for now and we can make changes when we meet Students considering DCTS or other special programs (PYAP) should choose a regular schedule but ALSO apply to the program of their choice -- DCTS Applications are due as soon as possible
8 period day Required courses: English (Career Prep, Tech Prep, CP, AP)1.0 Chemistry (CP, Honors) or Physical Science 1.0 US History (Career Prep, Tech Prep, CP, AP) 1.0 Math (see chart)1.0 PE (semester – see new courses)0.5 Health (semester) elective courses (choose wisely) Total = Must carry 7 credits minimum
General & Career Prep Weight: 1 – Preparation for the world of work Tech Prep Weight: 2 – Preparation for Technical Schools/2 year colleges College Prep Weight: 3 – Preparation for 4-year college
Honors Weight: 4 – Accelerated preparation for 4- year college ** Must have a 93% average at the end of the year in CP course to take the honors level as a 10 th grader… or if already in an Honors course, you must have an 80% in that subject to continue in Honors Advanced Placement Weight: 5 – Follows a prescribed course of study published by the College Board (pay close attention to prerequisites)
College-level course AP Exam – May More heavily weighted Final exam exemption option Possibility of college credits!
8 th grade Math Transition MathBasic Algebra Basic Geometry or Algebra 1A Senior Math or Algebra 1B Basic AlgebraBasic GeometryAlgebra 1B Senior Math Algebra 1Geometry Algebra 2 PreCalculus Finite Math or Senior Math Integrated Math (if C or lower in Alg/Geom) Algebra 2 or Senior Math Hon GeometryHon Algebra 2 PreCalculus Honors Analysis Calculus AP Calculus or AP Statistics
Art Music Technology Education Family & Consumer Sciences Business Foreign Language (CP students should take 2-3 years of same language) Reading Science Social Studies English Math Health Careers (PYAP)
Health Careers I – Hershey Medical Center Must apply and be accepted– grades, attendance, discipline, and interview (March 11 th ) Junior year – periods 10 and 11 Two year program Two elective credits Transportation Applications are due February 27 th – must include teacher recommendations Choose a full schedule as a back-up plan
Social Studies – Mr. Chortanoff (US History and American Civil War) Tech Ed - Mr. James (Advanced Drafting/CAD) Required to submit HACC application and fee ($35) plus $90 registration fee Must buy book or materials Receive 3 college credits from HACC (per course) and one LD credit if passing grade Sign up by choosing the course when you register – more info to follow
For juniors spring semester or seniors (full year) Speech -- Monday, Wednesday, Friday Sociology – Tuesday and Thursday Periods 3 and 4 (9:15 – 10:52) Seniors can also take English Composition and Psychology (may be available to you next year) Cost approximately $1770 per course + book Sign up for more information
Anytime between now and August… Contact me to do so Schedules mailed home end of July Parent/ Student initiated elective and level changes during summer months until August 7 th Once the school year begins… Teacher initiated academic misplacements Over-subscription (from 8 credits to 7) Changes may be made until October 25 th See changes for semester classes!!!
Remember that your GPA is CUMULATIVE! Begin looking at requirements for the schools/colleges you are interested in attending. Start forming some goals (long term and short term) and begin to consider what your future will look like! Use your resources: Naviance, LDSD.ORG and College Board
Mrs. Dreon