Holy Cross Sophomore Parent Meeting “True Followers- #Jesus” School Year
Current School Initiatives O Tim Weihe O School Year Theme O What the teacher’s have been working on. O Late Arrivals & Early Dismissals- Never Stop Improving
Who to contact? O General questions, calendar items, etc.- Ms. Bickel, ext. 104 O Attendance- Ms. Moore, ext. 100 O Books, Tuition, Financial Aid- Ms. Nopper, ext. 105 O Lockers/Locks, Parking Passes, Cougar Den- Ms. Ryan, ext. 109 O Tablet Issues- Mr. Tincher, ext. 226 or Mr. Willenborg, ext. 119 O Disciplinary Issues, Guild System- Ms. Pence, ext. 219 O Student schedule, concerns about a class (after student has discussed with teacher)- Mr. Strauss, ext. 148 O Socio-emotional concerns about student- Mr. Wood, ext.128 O Christian Service Program- Ms. Cleary ext. 229
Tablets O Where are they? O Tech Center assistance O Tablet handbook (lessons learned)
Sycamore O Why the change? O Go through O Sycamore O Daily O Class assignments calendar O for grade change O for failure report O for detention (Dress Code & Tardy) O Last minute announcements
Sophomore Service O Sophomore Service requirements: O 16 hours of service total – 4 hours each quarter of sophomore year O 10% of total theology grade each quarter. O x2Vol website O Common pitfalls: O Turning in hours past deadline (see agenda, reminders through & O Choosing something not 501c3 (non-profit) O Leaving blanks on info in website O Reflections too short (3-5 sentences) O Using family or personal info for agency information on website.
Sophomores Misc. O Sophomore year O Permit forms O Exam preparation O Sophomore Retreats & Service Exposure (Sept. 23 or 25)
Don’t Forget O What?- Mini-Schedule Night—Go through your child’s schedule and meet his/her teachers! O When?- August 20th O Where?- Begin in the gym O ***Another opportunity to earn a point for your child’s Guild when you attend!