4 Years of English Freshmen year: English I or Honors English I Sophomore year: English II or Honors English II Junior year: English III or A.P. English III Senior year: English IV or A.P. English IV Sequence of Study: Language Arts Graduation Requirements: Language Arts Required Credits 24 Required Credits English=4 Soc. Studies =4 Math =4 Science=3 Career Clusters =1 Physical Ed.=1 Electives=7 Total = 24
Sequence of Study: Fresh. & Soph. Social Studies Sequence of Study: Jr. & Sr. Social Studies 4 Years of Social Studies Freshmen Year: NM Hist./Geography or Honors NM Hist./Geography Sophomore Year: Modern U.S. Hist. or Honors Modern U.S. Hist. Junior Year: U.S. Gov./Econ. or Honors U.S. Gov./Econ. Senior Year: World Hist. or Honors World Hist. 4 Years of Social Studies Freshmen Year: World Hist./Geography or Honors World Hist./Geography Sophomore Year: NM Hist./World Geo. or Honors NM Hist. /World Geo. Junior Year: Modern U.S. Hist. or Honors Modern U.S. Hist. Senior Year: U.S. Gov./Econ. or Honors U.S. Gov./Econ. Graduation Requirements: Social Studies
Classes offered Graduation Requirements 4 Years of Math w/ 1 credit being equal to or greater than Algebra II Freshmen Year: Algebra I or Geometry Sophomore Year: Geometry or Algebra II Junior Year: Algebra II or meet w/ your School Counselor Senior Year: Meet w/ your School Counselor Graduation Requirements: Math Algebra 1 Geometry Honors Geometry Algebra II Honors Algebra II Trig/Analytic Geometry Integrated Mathematics II Applied Mathematics Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Stats
No Change! Graduation Requirements 3 Years of Science w/ two labs Freshmen Year: Biology Sophomore Year: Integrated Science & Meet w/ your School Counselor Junior Year: Integrated Science & Meet w/ your School Counselor Graduation Requirements: Science
Graduation Requirements: Electives Graduation Requirements: Electives Graduation Requirements: P.E. & Career Clusters Graduation Requirements: P.E. & Career Clusters 7 Credits will have to be earned to fulfill graduation requirements Freshmen year: 2 two electives Sophomore Year:.5 Credits of Health & 2.5 Credits of any elective class Junior Year: 3 Credits of any elective class Senior Year: 4 Credits of any elective class 1 Credit of Physical Education: P.E., R.O.T.C, or Marching Band 1 Credit Career Clusters : Navajo II & Spanish II, Any 2nd year class R.O.T.C. II, Shop II, Ag. Metal Fab., or 2nd yr Business class, etc. Graduation Requirements: Electives, P.E., & Career Clusters
Dual Credit/Distance Learning New Mexico Standard Base Assessment (NMSBA) is now the High School Exit Exam Dual Credit: (SJC or NTC) Open to Juniors & Seniors Students will take a college class either at SJC, NTC, or SHS Earn College & High School Credit at the same time Distance Learning is a on line class that is taken at SHS 1 Credit in Honors, A.P., Dual Credit, or Distance Learning Sophomore Year: Reading Math Junior Year: Reading Math Science Senior Year: Any section that has not been met Graduation Requirements: Dual Credit & NMSBA’s
Tips to Survive High School Keep up with your homework Do your work Don’t fall behind in your homework It hard to catch up Do your best Listen to your teachers Don’t fall into the wrong crowd Stay out of trouble Enjoy your Freshmen year.