Heartbeat au LAL démo et discussion Marec erwan Charbonnel Jaclin
Exemple simple de HA Web en mode A/P Service WWW Apache sur port 80 Serveur 2 passif Serveur 1 actif Client
Un exemple simple de configuration HA (2.0.7) pour des services Web Objectif, fournir un service WWW à travers une adresse IP en mode actif/passif. Le fameux fichier : /etc/ha.d/ha.cf logfacility daemon # Log to syslog as facility "daemon" node serveur1 serveur2 # List our cluster members keepalive 1 # Send one heartbeat each second deadtime 10 # Declare nodes dead after 10 seconds bcast eth0 eth1 # Broadcast heartbeats on eth0 and eth1 interfaces ping # Ping our router to monitor ethernet connectivity auto_failback no # Don't fail back to server1 automatically respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail # Failover on network failures
/etc/ha.d/haresources : serveur apache /etc/ha.d/authkeys : auth 1 1 sha1 MotDePasseSuperSecret Identique sur les 2 machines /etc/ha.d/authkeys en mode600. Init Directives : Interdire Apache de demarrer au boot via le init /sbin/chkconfig apache off /sbin/chkconfig httpd off
PUB2PUB 3 Service Web Client PUB 1 Pré production 80 virtual hosts 6 virtual hosts Mode Actif/Actif debugfile /var/log/ha-debug logfile /var/log/ha-log # debug logfacility local0 keepalive 2 deadtime 30 warntime 10 initdead 120 udpport 694 bcast eth0 auto_failback on node pub2.lal.in2p3.fr node pub3.lal.in2p3.fr pub2.lal.in2p3.fr /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth /22/eth0 hb4httpd.init::pub2 pub3.lal.in2p3.fr /22/eth /22/eth0 hb4httpd.init::pub3 Monitoring NAGIOS
BDD1BDD2 Client SAN (BDD) Service de BDD Mysql Oracle ZODB Phase 2 envisagée Monitoring NAGIOS+haclient +CRM
heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: MSG stats: 0/2 ms age [pid3106/HBFIFO] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: ha_malloc stats: 363/ /19940 [pid3106/HBFIFO] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: RealMalloc stats: total malloc bytes. pid [3106/HBFIFO] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: Current arena value: 0 heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: MSG stats: 0/0 ms age [pid3107/HBWRITE] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: ha_malloc stats: 367/ /20668 [pid3107/HBWRITE] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: RealMalloc stats: total malloc bytes. pid [3107/HBWRITE] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: Current arena value: 0 heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: MSG stats: 0/0 ms age [pid3108/HBREAD] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: ha_malloc stats: 368/ /20712 [pid3108/HBREAD] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: RealMalloc stats: total malloc bytes. pid [3108/HBREAD] heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: Current arena value: 0 heartbeat[2727]: 2006/09/20_12:43:47 info: These are nothing to worry about. PAS TRES CLAIR !!! Le système de logs
Nouveauté 2006 dans HeartBeat 2006 : la configuration via CRM /etc/ha.d/haresources : serveur apache
Monitoring et administration À travers HA-client +CRM Prérequis : swig python and python-devel >2.4 python-gtk >= 2.4 gnutls and gnutls-devel libgcrypt and libgcrypt-devel pam-devel gettext