INTRODUCTION TO NAVAL SCIENCE LESSON 3: Mission, Academic Requirements, and Regulations of the NROTC Program
Learning Objectives The student will... –Know the mission and intent of the NROTC program and be familiar with scholarship programs –Comprehend the academic course requirements for each NROTC program –Be familiar with Performance Review Boards and circumstances which warrant one
Learning Objectives The student will... –Know physical fitness and swimming requirements –Know the standards of conduct and aptitude requirements –Comprehend the obligations incurred by subscribing to the NROTC Honor Code –Know the local battalion organization and Chain of Command
Mission of the NROTC Program To develop midshipmen and officer candidates mentally, morally, and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty in order to commission college graduates as naval officers who possess a basic professional background, are motivated toward careers in the naval service, and have a potential for future development in mind and character so as to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship, and government.
Goal of the NROTC Program To provide NROTC students with: –an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Naval Science –a basic understanding of associated professional knowledge –an appreciation of the requirements for National Security –a strong sense of personal integrity, honor, and individual responsibility
Goal of the NROTC Program To provide NROTC students with: –an educational background which will allow you to pursue advanced/continuing education in a field of application and interest to the naval service –a high state of physical fitness for the purposes of health and performance
Intent of the NROTC program To commission officers for the UNRESTRICTED LINE. –Surface Warfare –Submarines –Aviation –US Marine Corps (The Medical, Supply, & Intel Corps will have to wait.)
Intent of the NROTC program UNRESTRICED LINE –Appointment of Ensigns in the regular Navy or Second Lieutenants in the regular Marine Corps –This means that the Medical, Supply, & Intel Corps will have to wait.
Four-Year NROTC Scholarship Students are sworn in as Midshipmen, USNR Receive benefits for 4 years (may apply for extended 5 th year benefits) Navy pays full tuition, required fees, and provides textbooks & uniforms $250/300/350/400 monthly stipend Minimum 4-year active duty requirement upon commissioning
Two-year NROTC Scholarship Students with advanced standing and at least 2 years remaining in college are eligible Must attend the Naval Science Institute (NSI) in Newport, RI over the summer Same privileges and requirements as for 4- year scholarship
Four-Year College Program Interested students seeking to earn a commission and serve w/o scholarship Must complete required NS courses and 1 summer training period Must apply for advanced standing between sophomore and junior years During junior and senior years, students receive $350/400/month stipend, uniforms, and NS texts. Obligated a minimum of 3 years active duty service.
Two-year College Program Students with advanced standing and at least 2 years remaining at their school are eligible. Must attend NSI Same obligation as Four-year college program
NETC-Controlled Scholarship Students in the College Program can earn a scholarship if selected by NETC. Nominated by the PNS Must have completed at least one semester in the NROTC unit. Must have minimum 2.5 Cumulative GPA to be eligible Must pass DODMERB physical
Seaman-to-Admiral 21 (STA-21) Active duty enlisted personnel who apply and are selected Attend NSI and then report to the NROTC unit they are assigned Have 36 months to obtain bachelor’s degree (Summer and Winter sessions)
NROTC Academic Program requirements Your major Navy-specified college courses –One year of calculus (6 hrs) –One year of calculus based physics (6 hrs) –Military history/Nat’l Security Policy (3 hrs) –Regional Studies/World Cultures/Religions (3 hrs) –Writing Intensive English courses (6 hrs)
NROTC Academic Program Requirements College Program Nurse Option Marine Option STA-21 CalculusAlgebra or Trig(6) X Calc based PhysicsX History/National Security X Regional Studies /Culture/Religion XHR EnglishXXX Physical Science (6 hrs) X
NROTC Academic Program requirements Naval Science Classes –Introduction to Naval Science –Seapower and Maritime Affairs –Ships Systems I/Engineering –Leadership and Management –Navigation –Ships’ Systems II/Weapons –Leadership and Ethics –Naval Operations & Seamanship
NROTC Academic Program requirements Navy Option Nurse Option Marine Option STA-21 IntroXXX SeapowerXXX ManagementXXXX NavigationX EngineeringX WeaponsX SeamanshipX EthicsXXXX Evolution ofX AmphibiousX
NROTC Academic Program requirements Naval Professional Training –NS Laboratory –Drill Periods –Physical fitness periods –Summer training (cruises) –Other
NROTC Academic Program requirements Summer Training Periods –PRACTICAL APPLICATION –4 to 6 weeks long –4-year scholarship winners attend all three (must have 1 semester on scholarship) –College Program students attend summer training between Junior and Senior year IF they have advanced standing.
NROTC Academic Program requirements Third-class summer training (CORTRAMID) –Career ORiented TRAining for MIDshipmen –Between freshman and sophomore year –4 weeks long –Nurse Option participate in nurse at-sea –Week of Surface Warfare Submarines Aviation Marine Corps
NROTC Academic Program requirements Second-class summer training –Between sophomore and junior academic years –Navy Option at-sea training (ship or sub) with emphasis on enlisted community –Marine Option participate in mountain warfare training
NROTC Academic Program requirements First-class summer training –Between Junior and Senior academic years –At-sea training with Wardroom/Division Officer experience (wear khakis) –Marine Options will attend OCS training (in Quantico, VA). –Nurse Corps MIDN will be at a Naval Hospital –You may request to go on a Foreign Exchange cruise, aviation, and spec war.
Physical Fitness Requirements The Navy Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) –BCA – Body Composition (height/weight) –PRT – Physical Readiness Test Push-Ups and Sit-Ups (2 minutes) Run (1 1/2 miles), or Swim (500 yards) Marine Option do pull-ups instead of push-ups and do a three mile run Minimum standards depend on your age, gender Must pass semi-annual test –PRB –FEP – Fitness Enhancement Program
Physical Fitness Requirements Swim Qualifications –Any Navy or Marine Corps officer must have excellent swimming abilities. –You must qualify as swimmer, 3 rd -class, by the beginning of your sophomore year (requal annually) –Must be a swimmer, 2 nd -class, to graduate (exempt from further testing) –1st class swim qualification is highest (required for aviation cruise) Only can be administered by qualified Navy personnel (Aviation Water Survivalmen or related NEC)
Physical Fitness Requirements Weight control and Body fat –If you control your body fat, you will perform better on the PRT look good in your uniform feel better about yourself –If you exceed standards, you will NOT be allowed to become a 3/C midshipman. –**Navy tape method is only approved method for body fat calculation**
Physical Fitness Requirements US Marine Corps Option students –Must meet USMC requirements
Standards of Conduct Standards of Aptitude –Describes officer-like qualities and potential Compliance with all requests and administrative requirements of the NROTC Program Initiative Achievement Motivation Bearing Personal Honor Ethical Behavior Physical Fitness Weight Control
Standards of Conduct Standards of Performance –Academic - No failing grades, and program required CUM GPA –Satisfactory progress toward degree completion –Physical Readiness/Swim standards
Performance Review Board Purpose: –To address a substandard academic and/or professional performance –Informal administrative proceeding (not entitled to be represented by an attorney) Board Organization: –Chaired by the XO –Typically two unit staff members (LT) –Counselor (LT) –Recorder –Battalion Representative
Performance Review Board The Performance Review Board makes a recommendation to the CO: –No Action –Warning –Probation –LOA All benefits stopped immediately and forfeited for the remainder of the semester –Disenrollment
Local NROTC Military Organization Unit Staff –Commanding Officer, COL ABEL –Executive Officer, CDR QUINN –Staff Advisors LT Twohig, 2/C and Nuke Advisor, Submariner LT Eyrich, 3/C and OC Advisor, Aviator LT Hollon, 4/C and Nurse Advisor, Surface Maj. Ganley, Marine Option Advisor
Local NROTC Military Organization Unit Staff –Enlisted Members YNC Roberts GySgt Medina –Civilian Secretaries Sandy Lisa
Local NROTC Military Organization Battalion Staff –BNCO, OC Mackie –BNXO, SSgt Westerholm –BNOPS, OC Sandifer –CMC, MIDN Bolin
The NROTC Honor Code A Midshipman does not –LIE –CHEAT –OR STEAL Why? –Military organizations MUST be based on absolute trust. Otherwise, lives could be lost! –Take these principles to the fleet!
HOMEWORK Be ready to HONESTLY Assess your study habits!