Job Search & C.V. Overview Winning in the Talent War
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Job-hunting Three-step process: What, where and how. What are your skills Where you would like to use your skills How to land the job The first step is the most important. A well-prepared CV is the documentation of your skills.
Somebody, please hire me! Five keys to job hunting success by Michelle Tullier Be Focus. To get what you want you have to know what you want. Looking for a job can be frustrating. Better preparation. Make sure your cover letters are top notch and your resume is in good shape. The methods you use to find a job need to be appropriate for the type and level of job you're seeking. Job offers often go to applicants who take the initiative to follow up.
Top 10 job hunting tips for graduates by Bradley Richardson 1. Tell everyone you meet about your goals and what you want to do. You can never tell who they might know. 2. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and call an employer. What is the worst thing that can happen? They can say "No." Big deal. 3. Always get a contact name. Cover letters addressed "To Whom It May Concern" will probably end up in the trash. 4. There are no perfect interview answers. Employers simply want to see if you can hold an intelligent conversation.
Top 10 job hunting tips for graduates 5. Don't worry if your grades are less than stellar. Employers don't care if you made a C+ in history during your sophomore year. They want people who are bright and willing to learn. 6. Be persistent. Don't take "No" for an answer too easily. Employers are busy and may not have time to focus on you. 7. You MUST follow up. 8. Treat secretaries & assistants with respect. They hold the real power. 9. Be yourself. 10. Mass mailing 500 resumes and waiting for the phone to ring is not a job search.
What is a CV? CV is a piece of advertisement to get an interview? A well-prepared CV helps you land a better job Your thoroughness and professionalism, exhibited in a well-prepared CV, show that you would be a productive worker. Help you to be more confident in presenting your qualification during job interview. Help you to focus the job interview on your strengths, on what you have to offer
Three CV Major Mistakes Lying or boasting Showing only where you have been - “hey, this is who I am! What you have to offer me?” Showing you have no idea WHERE you would like to use your skills The perfect employee
Eye Appeal With so many CVs, employers have only 20 seconds to read each one Your CV should look better than the others Make sure that the appearance, not its content, so that your CV will not be overlooked Think about it yourself first before referring to the points suggested in the notes.
What if I have no work experience There is no such thing as an “unskilled” person. What you need is a thorough self-reflection and understanding of one’s own skills. Your skills - What you can do Your Transferable Skills (Portfolio)Portfolio
Type of CV Chronological Format Functional Format - highlights the function or title of the position you have held; your goal is to place your most significant work experience immediately before the employer. Not fit for fresh graduate. Analytical Format - emphasize particular vocational skills or specialized knowledge by grouping them according to their common features. You are the one that fit this specific job. Imaginative Format - standout yourself in some unique way (appearance of your CV); most difficult and risky
'Summary of Qualifications' If you have enough 4-5 great one liners to say about yourself, like: Two years clothing, and food retail experience Working knowledge of MS Word, Excel Bilingual, French and English Proven Excellent Customer Service Skills