Welcome Parents of the Class of 2016
Agenda The “Sophomore Year” Sophomore Counseling / Naviance – Personality Assessment Graduation Requirements Post High School Educational Options College Entrance Requirements / Tests NCAA Eligibility The “Junior Year”
Sophomore Year A time to catch your breath You have an understanding of high school Sophomore level classes will determine how challenging the student’s coursework will be in his/her junior and senior years. A time focus academically 10 th & 11 th grade grades more important Fine tune time management
Sophomore Counseling Class Presentation Naviance Course Planner and Personality Assessment Course planner - 11 th and 12 th grade Personality Profile - Career analysis - worksheet Transcript review Group Counseling with Counselors and Guidance Technicians Case load: Mrs. D. Lageman A-G x 3211 Mr. J. Morris H –O x 3210 Mr. A. Gonzalez P-Z x 3321
NAVIANCE: Your Success System
Santa Ynez Valley Union H.S. Graduation Requirements English4 years - 40 credits Math3 years - 30 credits Science3 years - 30 credits Social Studies3 years - 30 credits Foreign Lang. or Art1 year - 10 credits PE2 years - 20 credits Electives 90 credits _____________________________ Total 250 credits CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) must pass Tuesday Feb. 4, 2014 – ELA Wednesday Feb. 5, Math
After Graduation
Post High School Educational Options Trade/Specialty school Two-Year College – Community College Four-Year College or University – University of California - (9 campuses) California State University – (23 campuses) Private Universities (many)
COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS English 4 years Laboratory Science2 years req. / 3 rec. History/Social Science2 years req. Math (Algebra 1, 2, Geom.)3 years req. / 4 rec. Foreign Language2 years req. / 3 rec. College Prep Elective1 year Visual or Performing Art1 year Entrance ExamsSAT/ACT * Must earn a “C” or better to satisfy subject requirements
University of California “a-g” subject requirements To satisfy the “a-g” requirements, the courses must appear on SYHS/UC approved certified a-g course list Only underlined courses on the a-g list will be assigned extra honors credit (weighted grade) for UC/CSU All certified courses have a (P) next to the title on transcript and in the registration guide All weighted courses have a (+ ) next to the (P) on the transcript
NCAA eligibility 16 Core courses 4 years of English 3 years of math (Alg 1, Geom, & Alg 2) 2 years science (at least 1 lab) 1 year additional math or science 2 years social science 4 years additional courses (from above and/or foreign language SAT/ACT – sliding scale depending on GPA GPA – sliding scale depending on SAT/ACT scores Check with your counselor each year to make sure that your on taking the right class!
Benefits of earning a 3.0 G.P.A. in 10 th – 11 th grade “Good student” car insurance rate No minimum SAT/ACT score requirement to be CSU eligible (academic g.p.a.) Please be aware that most CSU are “Impacted” Cal Grant A eligibility based on 10 th -11 th unweighted academic g.p.a.
PSAT – Preliminary SAT used as preparation and a predictor for SAT scores, offered once a year in mid- October (October 19, 2013) Please remember that it is a “JUNIOR LEVEL” test Pre - Admission Tests
Four-Year College Admission Exams take spring Junior year and/or fall Senior year SAT Reasoning Max score 2400 Critical reading (200 – 800) Math (200 – 800) Writing (200 – 800) * Most popular on the West coast ACT Max score 36 English Math Reading Science Optional Writing Test * * = Required by UC and some Private/Out-of-state schools
SAT SUBJECT TESTS - II Subject Tests Max score 800 Different subject areas Math level 2 only Choose your best subjects No longer required at UC, but will look at them Some majors in Engineering & Math may require or strongly recommend. You need to check. If the university strongly recommends the SAT Subject tests, we encourage the students to take them. They can take 1, 2 or 3 at one seating (same date).
The Junior Year All Year Take Challenging College Prep Courses College Fairs, Visit College, Reps./Colleges Oct PSAT (National Merit Scholarship) Jan PSAT Interpretation Night Junior Parent Meeting Feb – Mar Admission Test Preparation Mar- May SAT/ACT tests Spring Narrow College Search College Visits (spring break) April Begin Service Academy & ROTC applications May AP Exams Jun-Aug Summer Jobs (Paid and/or unpaid) Internships or Summer enrichment programs
Do you have any questions? Thanks for attending tonight! :) Counselors’ s: