High School Testing Schedule MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System): - Spring of Freshman Year (Science for Level 1& 2 students) - Spring of Sophomore Year (English, Math, & Science for Level 3 & 4 students) PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test): - October of Sophomore Year (By Choice) - October of Junior Year (Students with College Aspirations) SAT: Reasoning Test: - May or June of Junior Year - October or November of Senior Year (and December or January if necessary) SAT: Subject Tests (Offered in 15 Subject Areas): - June of Junior Year - October, November, or December of Senior Year ACT: American College Testing (Alternative to SAT): - June of Junior Year - September, October, or December of Senior Year (AP) Advanced Placement Exams (Offered in 18 Subject Areas): - At the end of each AP course (May of Sophomore, Junior and Senior Years)
Choosing Classes Students receive a Program of Studies Teachers make recommendations Students select classes (and alternates) Course selection sheets mailed home Parents discuss choices with students Students return course selection sheets to counselors
Level of Instruction/Sequencing Level 1 - Level 1 - student with superior ability = Advanced Honors/Advanced Placement Level 2 - Level 2 - student with high ability = Honors Level 3 - Level 3 - student with average ability = College Preparatory Level 4 - Level 4 - student in need of further skill development
English 8 th Grade FreshmenSophomoreJunior English 8A Advanced Honors English 9 Advanced Honors English 10 AP Literature Writing Workshop English 8B Writing Workshop Honors English 9 Honors English 10 Honors Writing and Literature English 8C College English 9 College English 10 College Writing and Literature Writing Workshop English 8D English 9English 10 Writing and Literature Writing Workshop Reading Reading Workshop MCAS ELA Strategies Senior AP Literature AP Language Mysteries and Suspense OR Modern American Literature OR 19 th Cent British Literature Diverse Perspectives OR 21 st Cent. Literature OR Visual Art and Literature Mysteries and Suspense OR Modern American Literature Diverse Perspectives OR 21 st Cent. Literature OR Visual Art and Literature Exploring Poetry OR Modern American Literature Diverse Perspectives OR 21 st Cent. Literature Oratory/Drama
Social Studies 8 th Grade FreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior U.S. History Discovery to 1877 World History & U.S. Government 9 (FY) Modern World & U.S. History (FY) Elective: U.S. Government U.S. Government AP U.S. History (FY) Electives: U.S. Government U.S. Government We The People We The People Advanced Placement (FY): (students may take 1 or more) AP U.S. History AP U.S. History AP European History AP European History AP Human Geography AP Human Geography AP U.S. Government & Politics AP U.S. Government & Politics AP Psychology AP Psychology AND/OR any electives listed below: U.S. History Discovery to 1877 World History & U.S. Government 9 (FY) Modern World & U.S. History (FY) Elective: U.S. Government U.S. Government U.S. History Since 1900 (FY) Electives: U.S Government We the People Economics Cont. Global Issues History of U.S. SportsElectives: Senior Capstone Project Senior Capstone Project Economics Economics Intro. to Contemporary Law Intro. to Contemporary Law Contemp. Global Issues Contemp. Global Issues Psychology Psychology Sociology Sociology U.S. Government U.S. Government We The People We The People History of American Sports History of American Sports U.S. History Discovery to 1877 World History & U.S. Government 9 (FY) Modern World & U.S. History 10 (FY) U.S. History Since 1900 (FY) (FY) – Full-year course (FY) – Full-year course
Science 8 th Grade FreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior Advanced Cluster Adv. Honors Biology Adv. Honors Chemistry Adv. Honors Physics Science AP or Anatomy & Physiology Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Physics Science AP, Anatomy & Physiology, Environ. Science, Forensic Science Proficient Cluster College Integrated Science College Biology College Physics Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Environ. Science, Forensic Science Integrated Science BiologyPhysics Chemistry, or Anatomy & Physiology Biology of the Human Body
Mathematics 8 th Grade FreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior Advanced Cluster: Algebra 1 Level 1 Level 1:B- needed to stay in level 1 Level 1:B- needed to stay in level 1. B+ to go to BC. Advanced Honors Geometry 410 Advanced Honors Algebra 1 & Advanced Honors Intro to Calculus 412 AP Calculus BC 413 AP Calculus AB 414 Level 2 Level 2: C- needed to stay in level 2. A- needed to move to level 1. Level 2: C needed to stay in level 2. A- needed to move to level 1. Honors Geometry 420 Honors Algebra 1 & Honors Pre-Calculus 422 Honors Calculus 423 Honors Statistics 424 Proficient Cluster: Introduction to Algebra 1 Level 3A Level 3A: A- needed to move to level 2. College Geometry 430 College Algebra College Pre-Calculus 436 College Algebra College Statistics/Intermediate Alg 2 & Trig 438 Level 3B Geometry 431Algebra 1 433Algebra Continuation of Algebra Math Assistance ConnectionsStrategies 405