Service Presentation “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace…” - Saint Francis of Assisi Sophomore Service May 21, 2013
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen.
Through the Gospel mandate of Jesus Christ, we are called as Christians to take up our “basin and towel” to love and serve as Christ did. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15) Through the Christian Service Program, all students of Padua Franciscan High School are offered the gifts of humility and poverty in spirit as they follow the example of Saint Francis in loving service to others through Jesus Christ. All students are also prepared to begin the challenge “to respond compassionately to the contemporary demands of a global society.” (Padua Franciscan High School Mission Statement) Vision
Please take out Parent-Student Acknowledgement Form All sophomores will complete 4 visits. You may complete visits early, they will carry over. 1 visit minimum in the 1 st quarter 2 more visits by the end of 2 nd quarter Last visit due by end of 3 rd quarter A minimum 1 hour per visit to one or more organizations serving people at an agency which appears on the Approved Agency List which is provided in their Christian Service Folder. Please take the form “Approved Agency List” out of your folder at this time. A student may consider an alternative location but may not earn service credit unless the site is approved by the Christian Service Coordinator. Note: Consult the Padua Website for updates throughout the year. Sophomore – Call to C OMMUNITY
Areas: Soup Kitchen/Hunger Center Food Pantry/Food Bank Homeless Shelter/Drop-in Center Handicapped/Disabled Facility Hospital (No Nursing Homes for sophomores) - Each student will create a service reflection for each of the first three quarters. Note - Service reflections are worth 10% of a student’s Theology grade Service must be completed in order to turn in a service reflection. - Students are encouraged to do the service with a classmate.
Students are encouraged to complete the Sophomore year service obligation over summer break. Students may complete any number of visits so long as the visits meet the requirements of the program. Summer Service sheets are due to Campus Ministry by September 6, After that date, no summer service will be counted. Summer Service
The student is responsible for his or her own service program. This is not the responsibility of your parents. Call and schedule yourself. Deadlines are in place for a reason and they will be enforced. Be responsible and manage your schedule accordingly. Once a quarter has ended (date will be in the Bruin Buddy) no service from the prior quarter will be accepted for credit. Quarterly Service and Deadlines
1. Plan at least two weeks in advance of your visit. 2. Call the number and name on your Approved Agency list, introduce yourself and let them know you are from Padua Franciscan High School and you would like to come and help out. 3. Show to your visit early and take your forms. Setting Up Your Service Visit
Evaluation by service Supervisor – Each student needs to do this only one time Service forms – available in Campus ministry and on the Padua Website. If service forms are not signed you are not done and your service will not be counted. Filling out the Forms
Summer Service – September 6, 2013 (No summer service will be accepted after September 6 th ) 1 st Quarter – October 15, 2013 (No first quarter service will be accepted after October 25 th ) 2 nd Quarter – January 8, 2014 (No second quarter service will be accepted after January 17 th ) 3 rd Quarter – March 18, 2014 (No third quarter service will be accepted after March 28 th ) Due Dates:
1. If you send service forms through the mail during summer – MAKE A COPY FOR YOURSELF!!! Keep the copy at home just in case forms don’t get to Campus Ministry as they are supposed to. 2. Schedule and go with a friend! 3. Know the guidelines and follow them. 4. Do not assume a service site is approved if it is not on the list. 5. Parent-Student Acknowledgement is due Friday, May 24 th to your Theology teacher. Important Notes
If your 9 th grade service is complete, you can start today! Questions? When Can I Get Started?