Likes And Dislikes By: Alondra Martinez
When To Use Accents… When the word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or n or s, the stress falls on the last syllable. Examples: Caminó NÓ (He/she walked, end in a vowel so the stress falls on the last syllable) Canción ÓN (Song, ends in an n so the stress falls on the last syllable) When the word ends in a consonant other than n or s, the stress falls on the next to last syllable. Example: Cárcel L (Jail ends in L, so the accent falls on the second to last syllable. The Stress falls on a weak vowel (i or u) which comes immediately before or after a strong vowel. Examples: Día Dí ( Day, he stress falls on an I which is immediately followed by an a) Actúo TÚ (I act, the stress falls on a u which is immediately followed by an o)
Likes And Dislikes… Likes= GostosDislikes= Desgostos You say, “Eu Gosto” to say what you like in Portuguese. Ex: Eu gosto de laranjas = I like oranges Eu gusto de camisas = I like shirts To tell what you don’t like you say, “Eu não gosto” in Portuguese. Ex: Eu não gosto de rosa = I dislikes pink Eu não gosto de tempo frio = I dislike cold weather.
Likes And Dislikes… When is the moment to tell someone what you like you say, “Me gusta…” but only when talking in singular. Examples: Me gusta el posole. Me gusta la coca. Me gusta el color rojo. Me gusta la ropa. When is time to talk about several things you like you say, “Me Gustan…” because you are talking about more than one thing. Examples: Me Gustan las camisas rojas, azules, y blancas. Me gustan los perros, gatos, caballos, y pajaros. Me gustan las uvas, naranjas, y manzanas. When you want to talk about what you don’t like, you just add a “No” in front “Me gustan/ Me gustan” No me gusta el color rosita. No me gusta mi oso. No me gusta jugar beisbol