7 Title: Inside Out Author: Francisco Jimenez Genre: Realistic Fiction Big Question: Why do people show kindness?
Review Games
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
7 B ig Question: Why do people show kindness?
Vocabulary Words gestured suspenders homeless shelter volunteered
Monday Question of the Day Why do people show kindness?
Today we will learn about:
7 Fluency Model Characterization & Dialogue
Fluency: Characterization & Dialogue
Concept Vocabulary
Build Concept Vocabulary Build Concept Vocabulary homeless, shelter, volunteered At SchoolAt Home In the Community Kindness
7 Compare and Contrast, & Answer Questions Turn to page
Prior Knowledge
7 Vocabulary Words
More Words to Know
7 Grammar Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns
Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns What is the plural form of each noun? Tuesday Tuesdays lunch lunches fox foxes
Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns What is the plural form of each noun? goose geese
Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns What is the plural form of the underlined singular noun?
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
Tuesday Question of the Day Why was Francisco grateful for the jacket from Mr. Sims?
Today we will learn about:
7 Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes Turn to page
7 Inside Out Turn to page
7 Fluency Echo Reading
Fluency: Echo Reading
7 Grammar Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
Wednesday Question of the Day Why do you think Miss Scalapino lets Francisco release the butterfly?
Today we will learn about:
7 Inside Out Turn to page
7 Fluency Model Characterization & Dialogue
7 Grammar Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
Thursday Question of the Day Are humans naturally kind, or is kindness something that must be learned?
Today we will learn about:
7 Random Acts of Kindness Turn to page
7 Fluency Partner Reading
Fluency: Partner Reading
7 Grammar Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
Friday Question of the Day Why do people show kindness?
Today we will learn about:
Compare and Contrast
Short Story
Prefixes Word Prefix/Meaning Meaning repay preplan inconsiderate
Reference Book
7 Grammar Regular & Irregular Plural Nouns
7 Spelling Words Spelling Words Digraphs th, sh, ch, ph
shovel southern northern chapter hyphen chosen establish although challenge approach astonish python shatter ethnic shiver pharmacy charity china attach ostrich emphasis sophomore athlete phenomenal chimpanzee
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